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Clyde's dramatizes the hopes and struggles of post-prison life

Submitted 01-21-2024 under OPINION

Clyde's, a play by Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Lynn Nottage, dramatizes the realities of post-prison life with humor, empathy and style.


Ethics and Religion Talk: How have your religious beliefs changed over time?

Submitted 01-16-2024 under OPINION

Putting aside your religion’s/denomination’s “company line“ for a moment, how have your personal religious beliefs changed over the years, if any. If they haven’t, do you think that is a good or bad thing?


Ethics and Religion Talk: What Should Religious Practice Look Like at Home?

Submitted 01-08-2024 under OPINION

What does your religion say about practicing at home on days not spent in a congregation? Are there solid guidelines, or do families just decide for themselves what works?


Ethics and Religion Talk: Foster Parents and Religious Beliefs

Submitted 01-02-2024 under OPINION

Should potential foster parents be turned away because of their religious beliefs?


Ethics and Religion Talk: Do You Need a Personal Relationship with God?

Submitted 12-28-2023 under OPINION

How important is a personal relationship with God in your tradition?


Ethics and Religion Talk: Christmas and non-Christians

Submitted 12-18-2023 under OPINION

For those who are not Christian on the panel, does it bother you to see members of your religion celebrate Christmas, even if it’s only a purely secular way of doing so (a tree, Santa, gifts, etc.)? And to those who are Christian, I’d like to know if it bothers you to see non-Christians doing this?


Ethics and Religion Talk: Interfaith Marriage

Submitted 12-11-2023 under OPINION

What are your panelists' positions on interfaith marriage? Have they followed the lives of any of the couples enough to evaluate success or failure? Do they encourage people to marry within the fold?


Ethics and Religion Talk: To Whom Does the Social Safety Net Belong - State or Religion?

Submitted 12-04-2023 under OPINION

There is a philosophy that encourages the dismantling of government programs to aid those suffering with poverty, addiction, etc. They feel that this should be the responsibility of the faith community. Does your religion allow for a formal governmental response to the social safety net?


Grand Rapids Civic Theatre Stages Disney's Beauty and the Beast

Submitted 11-27-2023 under OPINION

Three decades after the movie's release, Disney's Beauty and the Beast retains much of its charm.


Ethics and Religion Talk: Navigating New Realities of Marriage and Family

Submitted 11-27-2023 under OPINION

This current generation has somewhat upended traditions on marriage and family. How is your faith navigating these currents?

