Feed items

Posted: 13 years 4 weeks

The Beat Reporting Backstory

When interviewing for an internship at The Rapidian, Rapidian staff explained that one of the interns would be tasked with organizing a...

Posted: 13 years 4 weeks

The canning bug is sweeping across America!  The last time canning was this popular was during WWII as women canned harvests from their Victory Gardens to win the war. 

Posted: 13 years 4 weeks

CEDAM (Community Economic Development Association of Michigan) is producing a television show featuring Michigan communities. On their latest episode, Episode 3: Michigan Arts and Culture...

Posted: 13 years 4 weeks

Now that it is in its third year, Grand Rapidians know there are many strategies to fully experience ArtPrize.

You can stroll around for a few whole...

Posted: 13 years 4 weeks

On Saturday, September 10, Garfield Park Neighborhoods Association will celebrate another wonderful day of shopping and family fun at our 38th Annual GPNA Arts & Craft Fair.  Besides the...

Posted: 13 years 4 weeks

Hot Items:

  • Strawberries
  • Cut Flowers
  • Peas (Snow & Sugar)


  • Apples
  • Asparagus (Purple...
Posted: 13 years 4 weeks

At 5 p.m. Monday night, Mayor Heartwell's live interactive public access show City Connection was simulcast right here on The Rapidian. Co-hosted by GRTV's own Sr. Barbara...

Posted: 13 years 4 weeks

Michigan followed Maine's idea for prohibition in 1853, but, it was found impossible to do enforce this ideal in Grand Rapids. By 1870, Grand Rapids housed 58 saloons and five breweries. Women...

Posted: 13 years 4 weeks


 “I want to travel around the world, that’s my dream.

Thanh Vo yearns to visit distant lands, explore far-away cultures, experience different cuisines and...

Posted: 13 years 4 weeks


 “Don’t mess up your freshman year! It will affect you so bad your senior year!”

Kaniquia Williams is a vision in orange and black, her Ottawa Hills...

Posted: 13 years 4 weeks


A team of visionary and creative art students from Grand Rapids Public Schools are working to create a mural to enter into this year’s ArtPrize competition with support from...

Posted: 13 years 4 weeks


 “My favorite things are choir and musical theater.”

Breanna Toliver-Reed’s email address includes “MzBreezz,” an apt description of her...

Posted: 13 years 4 weeks


 “I like to be a role model for others.”

Lamarr Sherills has star power. On Prom Court, Homecoming Court, the basketball court (point guard or shooting guard...

Posted: 13 years 5 weeks

Join the Grand Rapids Historical Society for a fascinating free walking tour of the northern half of historic Oakhill Cemetery starting at 10 a.m., Saturday, Sept. 10. This landmark cemetery is...

Posted: 13 years 5 weeks

Beer-a-Palooza brewed up a mix of cool amber liquids, bright notes of art and music, and spicy varieties of handheld foods on the evening of August 25. The $25.00 entry fee bought guests at...

Posted: 13 years 5 weeks

“My goal is to graduate from the University of Michigan.”

Fernando Pichardo never took his eye off the ball during high school. At least, not very often. A strong tennis player...

Posted: 13 years 5 weeks

City pride was easy to grasp in my formative years. My northeast side elementary classmates and I didn't dream of life in the Big Easy, we didn't want to cut our teeth on a Big...

Posted: 13 years 5 weeks

“I’m completely bilingual already. Now I’m working on being trilingual.”

Yarisbel “Jadee” Segura makes everything look easy. She’s a track star,...

Posted: 13 years 5 weeks

“I hope to make the world a better place.”

Phuong Nguyen came to the United States from Vietnam with her family when she was 15. When she started high school at Ottawa Hills,...

Posted: 13 years 5 weeks

At the turn of the 20th Century, cigars were the tobacco of choice among Grand Rapidians.

Posted: 13 years 5 weeks

“I love Creston. It’s a great school.”

Eli Rodas learned how much he loved his school when he was several states away. After attending Central High his first three years...

Posted: 13 years 5 weeks
Tagged: Chavez, GRPS, LEED, USGBC

Cesar E. Chavez Elementary School, located at 1205 Grandville SW, was officially awarded LEED Certified by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) on May 24, 2011.  LEED (Leadership in Energy...

Posted: 13 years 6 weeks

In a time where many feel our educational system is failing our kids, dropout rates are at an all-time high, and schools that have been a part of the community for years are closing, there are two...

Posted: 13 years 6 weeks

The arts mini-grant program Sunday Soup is back after a summer hiatus.

If you've never been before, $5 cash or a homemade soup will get you in the door. Inside, you'll find a room of people...
