Feed items

Posted: 13 years 9 weeks

The 13th annual Taste of Grand Rapids and barbeque competition was held this past weekend at John Ball Park. The event offered an eclectic mix of...

Posted: 13 years 9 weeks

“I’m going to assume that you didn’t hit your head on the ceiling jumping for joy when you received your summons in the mail.”  

My experience with jury...
Posted: 13 years 9 weeks
Tagged: Hopcat, jazz, music

Sunday nights at Hopcat have turned out to be a jazz party. Not a wine and cheese party, not a “jazz society” event that “don’t mean a...

Posted: 13 years 9 weeks

On Thursday mornings at 7:30 a.m. Toastmasters join for a 60 minute session. Club members develop speaking and leadership skills by replicating a formula of activities and member roles each...

Posted: 13 years 9 weeks

Grandwich brief by Denise Cheng

Chris Freeman fully buys that Grand Rapids should have a...

Posted: 13 years 9 weeks
Tagged: crc, crcna, development, Green

Trees will be planted, a walking path put in, and a small, gravel parking lot will be installed this summer on a four-acre plot of land that sits next to the Grand Rapids, Mich., office of the...

Posted: 13 years 9 weeks

Despite their rising presence in our city, many of us may have little to no prior knowledge about farmers markets. Perhaps we have lumped them into the category of flea markets, estate states,...

Posted: 13 years 9 weeks

West Michigan residents looking to save money on water bills and reduce local water pollution are encouraged to come to Rosa Parks Circle on August 1 to make a rain barrel for their home. West...

Posted: 13 years 9 weeks

Although LINC just moved to its new building in Madison Square (1167 Madison SE), its spacious community training room has been put to task, hosting dozens of...

Posted: 13 years 10 weeks

Don't have time to listen right now? Download the episode and listen at your leisure....

Posted: 13 years 10 weeks

A coalition of elected officials, environmental advocates and businessman launched the Built By Michigan campaign in a press conference at WMEAC headquarters today.

The campaign was...

Posted: 13 years 10 weeks


Although the longest day of the year happened in June, the golfers participating in this year’s 100 Holes Challenge say that it...

Posted: 13 years 10 weeks

It’s back to school time and once again, GRPS is planning to kick off the school year with the second annual Back to School Party in the Parks.

Last year, as many as 3,000 people...

Posted: 13 years 10 weeks

New at the market!

  • Sweet Corn (in limited quantities)!!!
  • Gladiolas
  • Peppers
  • Tomatoes, Cherry Tomatoes
  • Purple Beans


Posted: 13 years 10 weeks

The moment I decided never to leave Grand Rapids, there was no engine rumble in the background or car window obstructing my view of the city. I was moving wheels with my own fuel on pedestrian...

Posted: 13 years 10 weeks

This May, the Steil Boys & Girls Club decided to power down, literally. Staff members launched “Unplugged Wednesdays” after...

Posted: 13 years 10 weeks

It is impossible to escape the reports: headlines, tickers and network news bring a steady stream of stories of unfathomable numbers of suffering people and images of emaciated bodies.


Posted: 13 years 10 weeks

The Market is more than just an event to shop at. It is much more than another money-making opportunity for your craft business. It is more than a time filler, an obligation, a notch in the...

Posted: 13 years 10 weeks

Sue Brown, one of the founders of the Grand Rapids Women's Chorus, and the ensemble's lead percussionist, was recently diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, leaving...

Posted: 13 years 10 weeks

“Work hard, because you will be more likely to be successful.”

Taneka Brazier played a lot of basketball and softball in high school, but it never interfered with her school...

Posted: 13 years 10 weeks


After almost eight months of planning and organizing, the 2nd Annual Network Neighborhood Bash in Eastown came out in full swing. The Network, a...

Posted: 13 years 11 weeks

The attention just keeps on coming for the seniors at Clark Retirement Community.  Less than one week after...

Posted: 13 years 11 weeks

The Museum of Everything in London is opening their Exhibit #4, featuring 50 artists from around the world, and they have chosen to feature two of our artists to be a part of this new exhibit....

Posted: 13 years 11 weeks

An estimated 5.3 million Americans of all ages have Alzheimer’s disease. This figure includes 5.1 million people aged 65 and older and 200,000 individuals under age 65 who have younger-onset...

Posted: 13 years 11 weeks
Tagged: Circle Theatre, GRPS, MLK

The Community Circle Theatre, with support from Peter M. Wege & The Wege Foundation, recently announced the winners of the Community Leadership Contest.

Two Martin Luther King Jr....

Posted: 13 years 11 weeks

“My granny is just hard on me. She has high expectations for me.”

Corinthious Bowen was just not allowed to be a "slacker" when he was growing up. His mother, his...
