Feed items

Posted: 13 years 7 weeks

Every day this summer, communities are converging to celebrate a simple miracle: farmers, as stewards of rural America, coming together to share a harvest that’s feeding local families. The...

Posted: 13 years 7 weeks

Each month, the Literacy Center of West Michigan publishes a newsletter from the Adult Tutoring Program.  The newsletter features article...

Posted: 13 years 7 weeks

In a downpour at Rosa Parks Circle on, the Grandwich competition came to a close. Three of Chris' recommendations made it to the top 10. Of the Grandwiches on display:

  • ...
Posted: 13 years 8 weeks

If you’ve ever eaten lunch at a school, you know what a spork is.  If you’ve ever wanted to try lunch from a food truck, you need to find out where...

Posted: 13 years 8 weeks

Wealthy Theatre was first opened in 1911.  It has seen it's share of ups and downs over the last 100 years.  This episode of Glance at the Past takes you through it's history of...

Posted: 13 years 8 weeks
Tagged: GRPS, nutrition

Keep an eye out for the new look on our Nutrition Services Delivery Vehicles this fall. Not only have we transformed the appearance of our vehicles as rolling billboards promoting the importance...

Posted: 13 years 8 weeks

“It feels so good when people really believe in you.”

Whitney Green knows what it’s like to feel overwhelmed. A few years ago, she moved to Grand Rapids with her father...

Posted: 13 years 8 weeks

“To remain healthy, you need ten hugs a day,” explained current Naturopathic Institute of Therapies & Education student Asher Thayer...

Posted: 13 years 8 weeks

Last week I had the opportunity to attend and speak at a conference on community media. An entire track was devoted to the care and feeding of young community journalism projects. As is nearly...

Posted: 13 years 8 weeks

Dear Anonymous REVUE Magazine Writer:

I've long enjoyed the magazine you write for (REVUE). Same goes for your publisher, whom I know just well enough to like quite a bit....

Posted: 13 years 8 weeks

Please pass on the information about Maggie's Day- we have 34 dog openings on that day and only a few dogs are scheduled so far!
Maggie's Day is August 10th, 2011.
Maggie, a...

Posted: 13 years 8 weeks

“I want to make sure I can get a job so I don’t have to struggle so much.”

As a student at Union High School, Adeline Ford loved math, science and chemistry. Not only did...

Posted: 13 years 8 weeks

Less summer learning loss. Increased retention rates. A more continuous learning pattern. Shorter, more frequent vacations. Less need to review and repeat materials. Less ‘burn out.’...

Posted: 13 years 8 weeks

This article was written in collaboration with the artist.

Our featured artist for August is Anthony Harrell.  Anthony passed away in July, and was one of...

Posted: 13 years 8 weeks

“My parents have told me that they were proud of me, which means the world to me.”

Emny De Leon feels blessed to have parents who believe in her and make her believe she can...

Posted: 13 years 8 weeks

Citizens gathered Sunday night at the Jam for Democracy rally event held at the Orbit Room. Petitioners from the Committee to recall Rick Snyder were on...

Posted: 13 years 8 weeks
Tagged: B2B, Class of 2011, GRPS

 “Believe in yourself. Don’t settle for good, go for excellent.”

Jonathan Davis is driven by one clear goal: to become an Academy Award-winning actor. After he...

Posted: 13 years 9 weeks

In July, the Michigan Legislature passed HB 4409.  This piece of legislation will limit families to 48 months of benefits under the Family Independence Program (FIP).  The food stamp...

Posted: 13 years 9 weeks

It’s hot. It’s humid. And it’s time for a month of teacher professional development. No, this isn’t an attempt to remediate West Michigan’s worst teachers. This isn...

Posted: 13 years 9 weeks

Tim Linscott sponsored this round of sandwiches for part four. If you're interested in sponsoring the Freeman Grandwich quest (just eight more to go), email...

Posted: 13 years 9 weeks

“Focus as much as you can, and make it to class on time.”

Jaivyn Brown transferred to Union High School for his senior year. He adjusted quickly, making friends, playing...

Posted: 13 years 9 weeks

Just 12 sandwiches left on the list after this installment. Chris Freeman, Grand Rapids Grandwich guru, has checked off 29 Grandwiches, and the finding after this round: Eggs are the new black....

Posted: 13 years 9 weeks

On July 28, 2011, Grand Rapids welcomed the big pink Milk for Thought bus that has traveled across the nation in support of women everywhere gaining support to breastfeed their children. A large...

Posted: 13 years 9 weeks
Tagged: B2B, Class of 2011, GRPS

“My hope is to one day have my own publishing company, and be a columnist.”

Ask Charisma Brewster what she’s up to, and she’s likely to hand you a business card. She...
