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Year round schools a popular choice with parents and students

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GRPS is proud to offer the largest slection of year-round schools in West Michigan.
Dickinson Elementary is one of the five year round schools that GRPS offers.

Dickinson Elementary is one of the five year round schools that GRPS offers. /GRPS

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Important dates for year-round schools...

Start of school: August 11

Intersession 1: September 19-23

Winter break: December 19-January 2

Intersession 2: February 13-17

Spring break: April 2-8

Last day of school: June 23

Less summer learning loss. Increased retention rates. A more continuous learning pattern. Shorter, more frequent vacations. Less need to review and repeat materials. Less ‘burn out.’ These are all reasons why parents and educational experts support “year round” schools. This is also why GRPS proudly offers the largest selection of year round schools in all of West Michigan.

Unlike what the name implies, year round schools do not run 365 days a year. Instead of the traditional calendar school that includes 174 days of school with a two and a half month summer break, year round schools begin in early August and end in late June with two one week breaks known as “intersessions" along with the traditional holiday, winter and spring breaks.

The following are your GRPS year round school choices:

  • Coit Creative Arts Academy, 617 Coit NE / 616-819-2390
  • Dickinson Elementary, 448 Dickinson SE / 616-819-2505
  • Campau Park Elementary, 50 Antoine SW / 616-819-2290
  • Campus Elementary, 710 Benjamin SE / 616-819-3525
  • Grand Rapids Montessori (Pre-K-8), 111 College NE / 616-819-2922

For more information about your year round school choices or to obtain an enrollment/application form, please contact 616-819-2150, email [email protected], or visit

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