Sunday Soup is back after its summer hiatus. If you've never come before, inside you'll find a room of people passionate about supporting local projects and eating soup.
The arts mini-grant program Sunday Soup is back after a summer hiatus.
If you've never been before, $5 cash or a homemade soup will get you in the door. Inside, you'll find a room of people passionate about supporting local projects and eating soup. Bring a bowl or grab one from the table, sit down and listen to fellow Grand Rapidians share what they've been working on. Every attendee gets a vote; the proposal with the most votes receives the collected entrance fees of all who came. The money has helped previously with projects ranging from community gardens to documentary films.
Historically, Sunday Soup has taken place on the last Sunday of the month, but this weekend marks a change in the program's permanent schedule to the third Sunday of the month. Participants will start showing up this Sunday, Augist 21 at 6 p.m. to The DAAC (115 South Division).
To read more about Sunday Soup, and to submit a proposal of your own, check out their website.
And if you can't make it this time, we'll be liveblogging the event on this page Sunday night.
A core service of the Grand Rapids Community Media Center