Feed items

Posted: 12 years 22 weeks

In a January Series lecture titled “Dancing With Dinner,” alternative farmer Joel Salatin promoted a radical...

Posted: 12 years 23 weeks

The Grand Rapids Community Media Center website will be going dark from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, January 18th.

As a part of GRCMC, The...

Posted: 12 years 23 weeks
Tagged: GRPL, Justin Amash

Roughly one hundred people gathered at the Grand Rapids Public Library for the Tuesday evening town hall meeting with US Representative, Justin Amash (R-Cascade Township).

During the hour...

Posted: 12 years 23 weeks

For the last century, Gabe Lyons told to a full audience at Calvin College on Tuesday, Jan. 11, American Christians have been...

Posted: 12 years 23 weeks

East Hills' From the Heart Yoga Center premieres a film series this Wednesday, January 18, at 7:15 p.m., offering a...

Posted: 12 years 23 weeks
Tagged: MLK, service

Families participating in the Schools of Hope Family Literacy Program attended a service project on the annual Martin Luther...

Posted: 12 years 23 weeks

When creating an article on The Rapidian, it's important to share the source of your information and the claims found in your article. You may also want to help your readers find more...

Posted: 12 years 23 weeks

Walking into Imagination Creations, Heather McGartland’s salon/collectible and clothing store combo, seems to be a direct portal into her brain. The store, located at...

Posted: 12 years 23 weeks

Anyone who has read Wayne Pacelle's best-selling book “The Bond: Our Kinship with Animals, Our Call to Defend Them,...

Posted: 12 years 23 weeks

The West Michigan Environmental Action Council has teamed up with The Rapidian to establish a news bureau dedicated exclusively to environmental issues that impact West Michigan. Beginning later...

Posted: 12 years 23 weeks

Nationally syndicated political columnist Michael Gerson brought his vision of Christian political engagement to Calvin’s Covenant Fine Arts Center on Thursday as part of the college’s...

Posted: 12 years 23 weeks

In celebration of Interfaith 2012, the first Tuesday Tabletalk will be held on Tuesday, January 17 from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. at ...

Posted: 12 years 23 weeks

The first Grand Rapids city commission meeting of the new year was held on Tuesday January 10th. Approximately twenty citizens were in attendance for the evening session...

Posted: 12 years 23 weeks

Heartside residents and visitors may soon experience a technology leap that is intended to help them identify resources in the area. The Heartside-Downtown Electronic Communications System (H-DECS...

Posted: 12 years 23 weeks

From January 12 to February 12, we will be featuring a special photo gallery, "Fresh and new," as the new...

Posted: 12 years 23 weeks

Pedro Noguera presented "A Broader, Bolder Approach to Education" Tuesday afternoon at Calvin...

Posted: 12 years 23 weeks

A new year-long collaboration between four Grand Rapids museums was announced today at a mid-morning press conference. For four Sundays in 2012, museums in Grand Rapids’ downtown will be...

Posted: 12 years 23 weeks

Join us Thursday evening, January 12 as we explore the legendary history of St. Mark Episcopal Church, a proud downtown landmark that can trace its beginnings to 1836.  Called the church of...

Posted: 12 years 24 weeks

Eric Metaxas did not set out to say anything new with his biography...

Posted: 12 years 24 weeks

As Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University prepares to move into the Federal Building (also known as the former Grand Rapids Art Museum), it...

Posted: 12 years 24 weeks

Featured Artists at Dominican Center Art Gallery from January 1 – February 28, 2012 are:

  • Joanne Peltz – Multimedia
  • Lucianne Siers, OP...
Posted: 12 years 24 weeks

Last year Michigan Adventure  Racing offered two urban adventure races. In 2012, they will put on nine new adventure, trail and bike races in the Grand Rapids area.

Mark VanTongeren...

Posted: 12 years 24 weeks

The Plank Road connected Kalamazoo to Grand Rapids, its thriving neighbor to the north. This 19th century middle passage finally limited the more than 30 mile trip to a single day's journey....

Posted: 12 years 24 weeks

Local homemade cuisine
The above phrase excited me when my friends told me we were dining at Marie Catrib’s, known for its quality food. This popular multi-service...

Posted: 12 years 24 weeks

Life skills are a large part of the KVO & CBOT’s curriculum. What are life skills? These are skills that many of us may take for granted. Yet the students in Grand Rapids Public Schools...

Posted: 12 years 24 weeks

Sometimes you don't have time to write a story yourself.

Sometimes the story is about you.

So what do you do when writing an article yourself just isn't going to work? Pitch...

Posted: 12 years 24 weeks

This Tuesday, January 10 will be the City Commission's first meeting of the new year.

On this week...
