Grand Rapids' major downtown museums announce a collaboration to offer free admission on four Sundays in 2012.
Museums Free 4 All days:
12:00 noon - 5:00 p.m.
A new year-long collaboration between four Grand Rapids museums was announced today at a mid-morning press conference. For four Sundays in 2012, museums in Grand Rapids’ downtown will be open and free of charge for visitors.
Gathering at the Grand Rapids’ Children’s Museum for the announcement were representatives of the Children’s Museum, along with leadership from the other three participating museums: The Grand Rapids Art Museum, Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum and the Grand Rapids Public Museum.
The first “Museums Free-4-All” will take place on Sunday, January 22 with others scheduled for April 15, July 15, and October 21. The hours for free admission will be from noon to 5 p.m. on each of those days. (Special exhibit or programming fees may still apply).
According to Rebecca Westphal, event coordinator and spokesperson, the idea follows in the footsteps of similar endeavors in other U.S. cities. She expressed anticipation that this will bring new audiences to the museums to sample new local experiences without a financial risk. Other downtown organizations are working to ensure that museum visitors on these Sundays will be able to experience other downtown amenities like shopping and restaurants. Major co-sponsors Amway and 5/3 Bank provided the funds to allow the project to move forward and additional sponsors and collaborators have joined in to support the endeavor.
A new website will provide information about “Museums Free 4 All” collaboration.
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