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How do you "Shop Local?"

Close by- it's all about the convenience
6% (4 votes)
I try, but there aren't enough choices
5% (3 votes)
I "shop local or go without!"
8% (5 votes)
Whoever's cheapest gets my money, local or not
11% (7 votes)
I make an extra effort and/or spend more to support locals.
70% (44 votes)
Total votes: 63

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I like Scott's comment about

I like Scott's comment about learning where the product is from and think educating ourselves about the supply chain goes a long ways in terms of making the right decisions with our buying habits.  How cool would it be if the market demanded the carbon content of a product be posted on it's packaging?! It also seems that being actively involved in a community (be it artists, musicians, foodies, yogis, etc) does a lot for empowering an individual to make positive contributions.  

Local or No?

Grocery store downtown.  No forty foot liquor counter in lieu of fresh, locally grown produce.

Still saying . . .

[email protected]


there was the project to build a development that includes a grocery store at Division and Wealthy... is that still in the works?


I believe so. I don't think it's supposed to be completed until like the end of 2012 though.

None of the above, really.

When shopping I try to purchase locally but I also don't drive so sometimes I end up ordering things online. But regardless of where I purchase an item I try to find the best quality product that I can afford so that it will last as long as possible. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I try to balance convenience with what's good for the local economy and the environment.

your DOLLAR is your VOTE

I try to implement a mixture of the above... Can I get it LOCAL? is it at least Michigan made? American made?

Things like sustainably produced, recycle-ability of the product, is it vegan or vegetarian or organic get priority for sure.

On occasion I have felt good doing without the product due to poor choices available... no hard and fast rule will apply to all situations...

i think the guiding principle is to ASK yourelf a few questions about your purchases everytime you go to the store (or BEFORE you go!) about what your purchases are saying to the producers, what this says about your values... nobody can be 100% perfect 100% of the time, but regularly trying is a HUGE step
