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Now that the Rapid millage has passed, will you use the bus more? Do you use it at all?

I ride the Rapid multiple times a week; I need to use it whether improvements are made or not.
19% (23 votes)
I am an infrequent user but hope the changes will make it easier for me to use it more often.
49% (59 votes)
I don't ride public transportation, and more frequency of stops and extended times won't really change that.
23% (28 votes)
Other [Please Comment!]
9% (11 votes)
Total votes: 121

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Long-needed Improvements

About four years ago I was contemplating giving up owning a car due to the expense of payments, insurance, fuel and upkeep.  But the sheer amount of time involved in commuting by bus from downtown to my job near the airport, combined with the prospect of waiting 15-30 minutes in bad weather for transfers deterred me from making that leap.

Me, too!

I moved here from a city of proud bike commuters, also with excellent public transportation. Whenever I get compliments for biking through the winter, I explain that it's not like I actually enjoy doing it. Public transportation is so lacking that I've just never considered it a real option.
