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"Intersections" artist explores layers of meaning in prize-winning piece

Submitted 10-13-2014 under OPINION

Anila Quayyum Agha's work tied for the Juried Grand Prize and took home the Public Vote Grand Prize in this year's ArtPrize. Her study of cultural differences and exclusion play deeply into the meaning of the work.


I don't like it: How not to form critical discourse about art

Submitted 10-08-2014 under OPINION

When we talk about art, I have just one rule: you can't just say "I like it" or "I don't like it." Quality art criticism is not about being honest for the enjoyment of honesty alone- it is about helping the viewer and the artist.


Battling to get deeper: "Reciprocity" finds favor with public vote

Submitted 10-07-2014 under OPINION

Marc Sijan's work, a contender as one of the public vote finalists, tells the story of his relationship with his father. Why do we- the public, children, parents- connect with this work?


Experts take to panel to discuss both public, juried top 20

Submitted 10-07-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

On Monday, October 6 art experts lead the conversation around the public and juried top 20 ArtPrize candidates for 3-dimensional and time-based categories.


Disability is not a struggle: Panel discusses intersections between art, disability, bodies

Submitted 10-05-2014 under OPINION

Panelists Neil Marcus and Petra Kuppers and moderator Chris Smit walked the audience through understanding disability and art, bringing to light the culture of disability in our culture that is hidden in plain sight.


Why time based art takes time: Categorical distinctions of criteria for ArtPrize 2014

Submitted 10-03-2014 under OPINION

ArtPrize can become the post-biennial model for large scale art festivals that promote learning and discourse above all else- but it will need to define mutual terms that represent a consensus amongst experts and a caring public, and not leave it to a single judge to define and enforce each year.


My experience of ArtPrize: watching audiences connect with dance in different ways

Submitted 10-02-2014 under VOICES

The most significant interactions with "respirador (breather)" I witness come from two completely different groups: children, and retirees (65+ years old.) These two groups of people connect with the work in very different, but equally important ways.


Mental Health issues; Who do we call?

Submitted 10-02-2014 under OPINION

Suicide, along with violence between law enforcement and residents of the United States, is rapidly growing while tolerance is disappearing. Lives are being lost, destroyed and turned upside down while mentally ill people are falling into the cracks of our legal system.


We are all connected: ArtPrize artist, Red Cross explore "This Enigmatic World"

Submitted 10-01-2014 under NONPROFITS

Alla Dickson pays tribute to her personal experience by dedicating “This Enigmatic World” to local American Red Cross volunteers


"Walking on Water - Azurite" offers rare opportunity to view Nihonga art

Submitted 10-01-2014 under OPINION

Step out of the larger galleries which can be a madhouse during ArtPrize and into the slow and centuries old traditional art of Nihonga as interpreted by Makoto Fujimura.

