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Avelycia O. tries her hand at weather reporting at WZZM 13

Submitted 11-17-2011 under NONPROFITS

Avelycia O., cub reporter in the GAAH Press Club, visited WZZM 13 and wrote about what she saw and learned while there.


Until Love (and Money) is Equal

Submitted 11-14-2011 under OPINION

Economic concerns regarding the perpetuation of discrimination in Holland, Michigan and a call for support for Until Love is Equal.


Occupy GR to hold demonstration against Condoleezza Rice

Submitted 11-14-2011 under OPINION

The Kent GOP will host Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice for the 124th Annual Lincoln Dinner on Wednesday. Occupy GR has planned a demonstration to protest the key roles that Secretary Rice held in the Bush Administration’s action leading into the Iraq war.


The Rapidian adds photo of the day archive and expands media map

Submitted 11-09-2011 under OPINION

From the Staff: A quick round of up some of things we've been working on since The Rapidian was relaunched in mid-September


Fair Farm Bill Rally

Submitted 11-07-2011 under OPINION

West Michigan citizens demand Stabenow's support for Fair Farm Rules; listen to speakers Sheri Rop, Andrea Villarreal and Cynthia Price


Honor and protect our military veterans

Submitted 11-07-2011 under NONPROFITS

When you honor Veterans, remember that we all play a role in protecting one another. City Council serves communities and must do their duty to protect residents and workers, as so many veterans have done in serving this great nation.


Grand Rapids Most Haunted: Local haunted history

Submitted 10-28-2011 under OPINION

Grand Rapids Most Haunted took me on a whirlwind hunt of ghosts, city history and my own beliefs about the supernatural.


Life after the Arts Council

Submitted 10-27-2011 under OPINION

A reflection on the impending closure of the Arts Council of Greater Grand Rapids from a former employee: what happened and where do we go from here?


See you again

Submitted 10-25-2011 under OPINION

And here's where I'm grateful: When it comes to The Rapidian, I don't need to wait ten years to know what I will remember down the road.


The UICA's new Movie Theater is open, here's why you should go...

Submitted 10-24-2011 under OPINION

...In these cinemas, it seems that silence is undertaken voluntarily, nobody tampers with their iPhone or farts or rustles, everybody is fully invested in the vision before them...

