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Reaching higher - Adeline Ford's journey to graduation

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Adeline Ford understands the importance of a college education while she reaches for bigger and better things.
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Adeline Ford hopes to pursue a career in Math and Science.

Adeline Ford hopes to pursue a career in Math and Science. /Believe 2 Become

“I want to make sure I can get a job so I don’t have to struggle so much.”

As a student at Union High School, Adeline Ford loved math, science and chemistry. Not only did she excel in those subjects, she used her analytical skills to assess her future career options. She has decided to pursue studies in math and science.

“It’s a wide-open, growing field right now,” she says. “My mom is a teacher, but my dad is unemployed. That’s made me realize how important it is to go to college.” Adeline credits her guidance counselor, Kristi Bonilla, with helping her through some tough times. Ms. Bonilla was always there, providing much-needed encouragement and confidence.

In the fall, Adeline will enroll in the Honors College at Michigan State University. She feels prepared, in part because of her government teacher at Union. “He would not settle for lower standards,” she says. “He made everyone work harder.”




*Contribution from Joe Jones/Believe 2 Become

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