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GR Forward seeks public input about downtown, Grand River corridor

In an effort to engage residents about the downtown and Grand River corridor planning process, GR Forward will be hosting open house events at a pop-up space at 50 Louis Street NW. Events will continue through December 12.
Fishing for salmon in the Grand River

Fishing for salmon in the Grand River /Eric Tank

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GR Forward, an initiative of Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. in conjunction with the City of Grand Rapids, is a planning process for the long-term development of the Grand River corridor and Downtown area. In an effort to restore the rapids and maximize the potential of riverfront property, GR Forward will be gathering data and consulting with urban developers to create a strategic plan for the future of the city. 

On Friday, October 17, GR Forward will host its first open house event in the CWD building at 50 Louis Street downtown. The event will begin at 4 p.m. and go until 8 p.m. with activities designed to garner feedback about the future of the Grand River and Downtown area.

Activities include interactive maps and stickers to show favorite ideas and rating the feasibility of traversing downtown by bike, foot and car. A group game, "River Rummy," will help to reveal new ideas for the riverfront and post it notes will be available for participants to share thier ideas. 

The event is free and open to the public. 


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