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Full house at Critical Discourse compares top public vote winners

Submitted 10-01-2012 under OPINION

Critical Discourse was heavy on quality though kind conversation between the panel and much lighter on audience participation this year.


Spiritual Lake offers captivating photographic works

Submitted 09-30-2012 under OPINION

Spiritual Lake is a noteworthy exhibition of photographic works by Christopher Cox and collaborator Jacob Bullard.


ArtPrize Top Ten Announced

Submitted 09-30-2012 under OPINION

Votes have been cast and the Top Ten of ArtPrize 2012 includes taxidermy, Chris LaPorte, and a return to Eden. Voting for Top 3 ends Thursday, October 4 - what entry will get your vote?


Lights in the Night makes Grand Rapids glow

Submitted 09-29-2012 under OPINION

An estimated 20,000 paper lanterns were released downtown as part of ArtPrize performance "Lights in the Night."


What do you see: Anne Gates explores the why of our 'Motivation'

Submitted 09-28-2012 under OPINION

In a vast collection of work surrounded by masses of people, these small, breakable and (until now) mundane materials have the power to hold my gaze.


Like paintings? Head down to The Spot

Submitted 09-28-2012 under OPINION

Curated by two art-loving businessmen and a landscape artist, The Spot is a venue filled with a variety of strong work.


Pub 43 organizes cohesive Conversation

Submitted 09-28-2012 under OPINION

Pub 43 on Division fills its usually dynamic space with a conversation hung specifically for ArtPrize 2012.


ArtPrize Artist Profile: Pete Weatherhead's 'G Rap City' a prize to behold

Submitted 09-28-2012 under OPINION

With a call to remove guns from Grand Rapids, Pete Weatherhead updates his roots.


ABCD 83 makes visual breakthrough with More or Less

Submitted 09-28-2012 under OPINION

Using a combination of sculptural installation, music and video projection the Chicago-based ABCD 83 pushes the boundaries of conceptual art.


ArtPrize Artist Profile: Dave Ford, swinging into sound

Submitted 09-28-2012 under OPINION

Dave Ford has created an artful connection between the joy of swinging and sound. With his Swing Set Drum Kit, participants can explore sound through a unique mode and leave never to think of swing sets or sounds in the same way.

