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Local Fishmonger adds oyster bar, chowders, sandwiches to menu

Fish Lads of Grand Rapids is planning to offer a dining menu in addition to fresh and smoked seafood.
Jeff Butzow, owner

Jeff Butzow, owner /Eric Tank

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Where to find the fishmonger

Fish Lads of Grand Rapids

435 Ionia SW - Suite 107

Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Fresh oysters

Fresh oysters /Eric Tank

Fresh whole whitefish

Fresh whole whitefish /Eric Tank

Jeff Butzow, owner of Fish Lads of Grand Rapids has been slinging raw seafood for the past 15 years. A Traverse City native and Pike Place Market veteran, Butzow has brought his skills back from Seattle to the Great Lakes state.

Fish Lads fish market is making a name for itself as a choice place for fresh and smoked varieties of seafood. From eel to makerel, smoked herring to octopus, Fish Lads flies in daily fresh fish from both Pacific and East coasts as well as the Great Lakes.

It's no secret that Fish Lads is gaining some attention as a Downtown Market destination. Up until now, the assortment of fish and seafood, both raw and smoked, has kept the customers coming. Soon though, Butzow hopes to give patrons another reason.

Fish Lads is currently waiting the arrival of a food service license that Butzow says should take about a couple of weeks.

"Basically what we're really going for is ingredient-focused set-ups. Everything is from scratch with simple preperations. We're not trying to overpower anything, or dress it up too much," he says.

Items one will find on the menu include three types of soups including a chowder and bisque, fish and chips, crab cake, three different sandwiches and of course oysters on the half shell.

Oyster types will vary on a day by day basis with the intent to offer four to six varieties at a time, from both the east and west coasts.

"Oysters are such a neat thing to work with. They have a rich history and the flavor profiles are amazing," says Butzow.

While Fish Lads isn't going for the high brow vibe, they're certainly not going for the dive bar jive. Not that either one is particularly offensive- but Butzow aims to approach the middle ground.

"We're definitely not going for anything fancy. That's not our style. That's not what we want to do," says Butzow. "We want everything to be focused on the food and just the food."

Fish Lads' bar can seat nine to 12 people. Catering to the plentitude of seating throughout the indoor market, Fish Lads will also provide to-go containers for those wishing to perhaps eat upstairs or in a different part of the market.

Hours are Monday through Saturday 9 a.m. -7 p.m. and Sundays 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.

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