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Hiroshima: Repentance & Renewal

This dispatch was added by one of our Nonprofit Neighbors. It does not represent the editorial voice of The Rapidian or Community Media Center.

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/DVD Cover - Movie by Bud Ryan and Stuart Overbey.

The movie, Hiroshima: Repentance and Renewal,  will show on December 20, 2009 at the Dominican Center at Marywood. The 38-minute movie will show at 12:15 p.m. (after the Sunday liturgy) and again at 3:00 p.m. at Dominican Center at Marywood .

Presenting an overview of the scourge of nuclear weapons and resistance to them, the film combines archival materials, quotes, and interviews with footage of peace activists, using the annual Hiroshima Day events at Los Alamos laboratory in New Mexico to provide information about nuclear weapons and action suggestions. The movie was written, directed, and produced by Stuart Overbey and Bud Ryan. (BS Productions in association with PC New Mexico. 2006.)

The Dominican Center is located at 2025 East Fulton in Grand Rapids. Enter parking lot off Lakeside Drive, and park in the lot east of the large Marywood building. Go through the breezeway. The movie will be shown in Room One on the lower level. For additional information, please email Sr. Mary Pat Beatty at [email protected]


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