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Female Artists Explore Indefinite Boundaries at (106) Gallery

Submitted 09-25-2011 under NONPROFITS

This year the Calvin College (106) Gallery presents "indefinite boundaries," an exhibition of nine female artists dealing with place, environment and material.


Screwed Rapids at the UICA

Submitted 09-21-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

Screwed's more than just a mural. It's improv, performance and collaboration all rolled into one. Featuring a video of the artists talking about their work.


Catalyst Radio: 106 Gallery part of Division Avenue's transformation into Avenue for the Arts

Submitted 09-02-2011 under NONPROFITS

Back in 2005, the only occupied store fronts other than ministries were Vertigo and Sanctuary. Calvin College's 106 Gallery took a place among those storefronts...


The Artists of Heartside Gallery and Studio- Z-Slash

Submitted 09-01-2011 under NONPROFITS

The Artists of Heartside Gallery and Studio- Z-Slash


Avenue for the Arts and Heartside Gallery featured on "The Bright Side"

Submitted 08-30-2011 under NONPROFITS

[VIDEO] CEDAM gives a tour of artists and organizations working in the Avenue for the Arts, South Division.


Sunday Soup #14 kicked off the fall soup season

Submitted 08-19-2011 under NEWS

Sunday Soup is back after its summer hiatus. If you've never come before, inside you'll find a room of people passionate about supporting local projects and eating soup.


Brick by Brick: Grandville Avenue is Redone

Submitted 08-19-2011 under NEWS

The work on Grandville Avenue include re-paving of the brick street which is done by hand.


UICA Sells Over 700 Pieces of ArtWork for $25-50

Submitted 08-17-2011 under NONPROFITS

[VIDEO] In celebration of UICA’s new building opening in July 2011 (7/11), UICA is selling over 700 pieces of artwork for $25 or $50.


Rock-Hounds Downtown

Submitted 08-15-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

Geologist Dr. Mary Jane Dockeray guides a geological tour of downtown Grand Rapids landmarks


Catalyst Radio: Annual Bikestock festival promises vintage bikes, bike polo and more in the midst of a criterium race

Submitted 08-12-2011 under NONPROFITS

Josh McBryde, who lives and breathes bikes, takes the hot seat for today's Catalyst Radio to talk about the entertainment at the third annual Bikestock festival taking place on Aug. 20.

