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Grand Rapids

Symposium encourages women to seek environmental activism

Submitted 02-11-2014 under NEWS

The Third Annual Women and the Environment Symposium gathered women from all walks of life to inspire environmental change.


Founders Brewing Company to host "Firkin Freezeout" beer garden party

Submitted 02-11-2014 under NEWS

Downtown brewery will host the "Firkin Freezeout" event with classic brews, barbecue and ice carving.


Anja Mast grows career from farm-to-table to kitchen lifestyle coach

Submitted 02-11-2014 under NEWS

Anja Mast, one of the pioneers of the farm to table movement in West Michigan, recently launched a Kitchen Lifestyle Coaching business, #anjamaniagr.


Hall Street bakery opens with dedicated gluten free kitchen

Submitted 02-11-2014 under INNOVATION-SPOTLIGHT

Wealthy Street Bakery owners have opened new Hall Street Bakery location that expands their regular offerings with the help of a separate gluten free kitchen, complete with its own HVAC system to avoid contamination.


Heartside record shop to showcase memories

Submitted 02-11-2014 under PLACE-MATTERS

Dodds Record Shop, a business on the Avenue for the Arts for over 30 years, is being refashioned into a museum of Grand Rapids music history by new owner Reverend Charles Preston Smith.


Girls on the Run, Congress Elementary to team up this March

Submitted 02-11-2014 under NEWS

Congress Elementary will have an opportunity to participate in Girls on the Run, an organization designed with the health of wellness of young girls in mind.


The Spoke Folks to provide cyclists with knowledge for safe riding

Submitted 02-11-2014 under NEWS

The Spoke Folks will offer a classed called "Traffic Laws: How to Ride in the Road," geared to provide information for every cyclist.


Taste of Soul Sunday gears up to celebrate African-American history

Submitted 02-11-2014 under NEWS

The Grand Rapids Public Library is having their Taste of Soul Sunday event in honor of Black History Month, including Afrocentric poetry, music from Karisa Wilson and free food from Sandmann's and other local soul food specialists.


Catalyst Radio: The DAAC starts new life, seeks new location

Submitted 02-10-2014 under NEWS

Now under the nonprofit umbrella of national arts organization Fractured Atlas, The DAAC is raising funds for its new home.


You've been served

Submitted 02-07-2014 under VOICES

Training with the Priority Health Run Camp has been just the inspiration I needed to face the impossible: 26.2 miles and turning 40.

