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Become a citizen forester

A tree planting workshop for citizen foresters is being held by Friends of Grand Rapids Parks. Participants can earn a citizen forester designation while learning about tree identifiction and maintenance.
Mayor George Heartwell, Dotti Clune and Carol Moore hug the 2012 Mayor's Tree of the Year

Mayor George Heartwell, Dotti Clune and Carol Moore hug the 2012 Mayor's Tree of the Year /Courtesy of Friends of Grand Rapids Parks

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Would you like to earn a citizen forester designation? Friends of Grand Rapids Parks is now offering the first class of four that will help you achieve just that.

Learn the art and science of planting trees in an urban environment. This class is designed to help folks identify the proper location, timing, methods and maintenance of trees. The goal is to train volunteers who will then go back into their community and teach other people in the neighborhood about tree planting.

The workshop will be held September 12 from 6:30-9 p.m. at Richmond Park Shelter on Richmond Street NW. Anyone can attend and the cost is free for Friends of Grand Rapids Parks members. A $5 donation is suggested to become a member.



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