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Johnson Center to host storytelling workshop with professional writing coach

Submitted 07-11-2014 under NEWS

On July 13 from 1 to 4 p.m., Dayla Massachi will engage with local nonprofits and educate on the best ways to communicate their stories to their donors and the public.


Summer Yoga Offerings at Dominican Center

Submitted 07-10-2014 under NONPROFITS

To accomodate your level of physical mobility, DCM offers three levels of yoga through the year at Dominican Center: Chair Yoga, Yoga Basics and Yoga Beyond Basics.


More than 500 Kids in Need of School Supplies

Submitted 07-09-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

School Supply and Backpack Drive to Take Place August 11-15


More than 500 Kids in Need of School Supplies

Submitted 07-09-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

School Supply and Backpack Drive to Take Place August 11-15


Peter Wege - The Loss of an Environmental Hero

Submitted 07-08-2014 under NONPROFITS

One of West Michigan's prominent environmental philanthropists and visionaries has passed on.


Local campaign seeks to ban use of wild animals in entertainment

Submitted 07-08-2014 under NEWS

Jon Dunn and Kolene Allen are petitioning Grand Rapids and Walker city governments to disallow use of wild animals in circuses and traveling shows.


Summer picturesque kicks off with photo walk through city parks

Submitted 07-08-2014 under NEWS

Join The Rapidian, Friends of Grand Rapids Parks and this season's photographer Steven DePolo as they tour some of Grand Rapids best city parks to inaugurate the summer Picturesque photo contest.


Mitten Brewing Company hopes to hit home run with new expansion efforts

Submitted 07-08-2014 under NEWS

Mitten Brewing Company is hustling to keep up with capacity by expanding their operation nearly three fold.


Pleasant surprise result of years of neighborhood action

Submitted 07-08-2014 under PLACE-MATTERS

The creation of Pleasant Park took years of effort from a variety of concerned citizens and organizations. What resulted was more than a place, but the building up of community.


Mayor to answer citizen questions about new police chief

Submitted 07-07-2014 under NONPROFITS

Each month, Mayor George Heartwell answers citizen questions live on GRTV and simulcast here on The Rapidian. This month, Rapidian intern Lisa DeBone asks the mayor about the newly-selected police chief.

