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Pet ownership limit law proposes wrong answer

Submitted 07-03-2014 under OPINION

Grand Rapids would be better served to pass a comprehensive set of animal care and control regulations that would give animal control officers and law enforcement the tools necessary to appropriately prosecute those that fail to provide proper care for the animals in their possession.


Should we keep our trees?

Submitted 07-03-2014 under NONPROFITS

Lee Mueller, Urban Forest Project Coordinator, highlights how Grand Rapids can protect our trees and reach our tree canopy goals.


Greater Grand Rapids Bicycle Coalition's prepares for city certification

Submitted 07-01-2014 under NEWS

Executive Director Tom Tilma talks about creating longevity for the Greater Grand Rapids Bicycle Coalition, and how they are helping to create a cyclist friendly community.


Downtown Market open for holiday weekend

Submitted 07-01-2014 under NONPROFITS

The Outdoor Market will be open all three days this 4th of July holiday week: Tuesday (9 a.m. – 2 p.m.); Thursday (4 p.m. – 7 p.m.) and Saturday (9 a.m.-2 p.m.). The indoor market hall will be open regular hours all weekend, including 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. on Friday, July 4.


Envisioning the future of Grand Rapids: how best to utilize downtown, riverfront

Submitted 07-01-2014 under PLACE-MATTERS

Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. along with the City of Grand Rapids and Grand Rapids Public Schools have launched a comprehensive planning process to inform the direction of downtown and the riverfront.


Long Road Distillers advocates west side revitalization

Submitted 07-01-2014 under NEWS

The first craft distillery in Grand Rapids will be opening on Leonard Street this coming fall, with licensing that includes distribution, sales and tastings.


EnCouraging students of every kind

Submitted 06-30-2014 under NONPROFITS

EnCourage Institute for Teaching and Learning helps students with unique learning styles gain skills and confidence to succeed at school and beyond.


Creston neighbors meet to discuss Grand Rapids's lack of pet ordinance

Submitted 06-25-2014 under NEWS

Creston neighbors bothered by the presence of nearly 40 dogs on one property met to discuss the need for a pet ordinance in the city.


GVSU Student Seeks to Raise $39,000 for Kids Over Summer Break

Submitted 06-25-2014 under NONPROFITS

Megan Cloutier launches campaign to raise funds for KIDS HOPE USA, a mentoring organization with 71 programs in Kent County.


Something for everyone at Dominican Center in July

Submitted 06-24-2014 under NONPROFITS

There is a wide range of evening programs being offered in early July at Dominican Center - something for everyone.

