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Story Matters: Black Hills resident Kapriona Smith compares Grand Rapids to Detroit

Submitted 07-23-2014 under NONPROFITS

Kapriona Smith just moved to Grand Rapids this spring, and says the economy alone makes it a great place to live. She talks about what it's like to live in her current neighborhood of Black Hills.


Story Matters: Diana Dixon compares Brooklyn life to new life in Grand Rapids

Submitted 07-23-2014 under NONPROFITS

Diana Dixon used to live in Brooklyn, New York. In this video she compares the two- and what it's like for her now when she goes back.


Stay issued on gay marriage case, forces local couples to make new plans

Submitted 07-23-2014 under NEWS

Edward McPeak and his fiancé are making alternate marriage plans while the Michigan case is sent to an appeals court.


What is a Clean Air Action Day?

Submitted 07-22-2014 under NONPROFITS

Free Rides on Buses Are The Only Thing Good About Clean Air Action Days


Slow it down, soak it in: Urban stormwater in Plaster Creek

Submitted 07-22-2014 under PLACE-MATTERS

Changing the methods of dealing with storm water is key to a long and arduous restoration of the Plaster Creek watershed. Raising community awareness about alternate ways to capture storm water is essential.


Cupcake shop opens brick and mortar across from Pew Campus

Submitted 07-22-2014 under NEWS

Located in the Southwest Area Neighborhood, Scrumptious Cupcakes and Sweetery specializes in gourmet cupcakes offering a unique variety of flavors.


Story Matters: Megan Clawson shares what it's like to move to Grand Rapids

Submitted 07-21-2014 under NONPROFITS

Megan Clawson and her husband chose to move to Grand Rapids out of anywhere else in the state. She shares what she's noticed about joining a new community- including a noticeable pride in products made in Michigan.


Eastgate neighborhood heats up with August summer events

Submitted 07-20-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

The annual pig roast is just one of many fun summer activities taking place in Eastgate


Eastgate neighborhood comes together for August community activities

Submitted 07-20-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

The annual community pig roast is just one of the many August activities for the Eastgate community.


Local politicians struggle with sign theft, defacement before Election Day

Submitted 07-18-2014 under NEWS

Yard signs for various political campaigns are being stolen and destroyed in West Michigan.

