In Season: August 3, 2018
Submitted 08-03-2018 under NONPROFITS
The Market is bursting with color, just in time for National Farmers Market Week!! Next week we're kicking off our festivities on Tuesday, with four fun days of educational + wellness classes, food trucks, facepainting, scavenger hunts, and Market activities for the whole family!
New WYCE station manager says Grand Rapids' music scene is "diverse and bursting with talent"
Submitted 08-03-2018 under NEWS
Musician Hayes Griffin will be the new station manager for WYCE.
Green Gala celebrates future of Grand Rapids Parks
Submitted 07-31-2018 under PLACE-MATTERS
Now in its eighth year, the popular event on August 16, 2018 will include all of the components guests love about the Green Gala, including locally sourced beverages, a delicious strolling dinner offered by local food trucks, a photo-booth, and entertainment with laser lights from DJ AJ Paschka.
Seeking safety for Black American males impacted by trauma
Submitted 07-31-2018 under NONPROFITS
Racism, socio-economic inequities and gender based violence are part of the lived experiences of Black men and youth in the Grand Rapids community. To address the generational trauma and post traumatic stress disorder affecting these men -- a wrap around services and culture of belonging is needed.
Local artist feature from UICA: Danielle Truss
Submitted 07-31-2018 under NONPROFITS
I'm originally from the UK mostly London, and have been here in GR for almost 5 years, I studied fashion, textiles and bespoke tailoring and now work as a costume designer.
Photo Gallery: Movimiento Cosecha GR protests Kent County contract with ICE at commission meeting
Submitted 07-30-2018 under NEWS
Photos from yesterday's Kent County Commission meeting on Thursday, July 26, 2018 and the Movimiento Cosecha GR protest and comments.
D.A. Blodgett - St. John's hosts annual Backpack and School Supply Drive
Submitted 07-30-2018 under NONPROFITS
600 kids are in need of backpacks and school supplies.
Ethics and Religion Talk: How to show respect to elders
Submitted 07-30-2018 under OPINION
What is the proper way to show respect for elders? Of course, things like giving up a seat on a bus and holding a door are respectful, but what else?
Pigeon Creek Shakespeare presents Antony and Cleopatra
Submitted 07-29-2018 under NONPROFITS
Pigeon Creek Shakespeare presents Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra
Commissioner Womack leads way in signing commitment to discontinue ICE contract in Kent County
Submitted 07-27-2018 under NEWS
The immigrant right group Movimiento Cosecha GR came out in numbers again to the Kent County Commissioners meeting on Thursday, July 26, 2018 to protest Kent County's contract with the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).