Magnifying Mars for West Michigan
Submitted 07-27-2018 under NONPROFITS
On Friday, July 27, the general public has an opportunity to explore Mars, and three other planets via the Calvin Observatory. The last time Mars was this close to Earth was in 2003.
Catalyst Radio: The Diatribe works to unite the community
Submitted 07-27-2018 under NEWS
Host John Williamson speaks with Marcel Fable Price and Rachael Gleason and two students of The Diatribe.
In Season: July 27, 2018
Submitted 07-27-2018 under NONPROFITS
What a pleasant morning for a stroll through the Market! Our vendors have a wonderful selection of in season fruits + veggies, Michigan meats, eggs, and dairy, locally created food products, and handmade artisan goods!
Public invited to open house highlighting public transit service improvements along Michigan Street corridor
Submitted 07-25-2018 under NEWS
Upcoming Route 19 improvements will simplify travel and parking in downtown Grand Rapids
Dungeons & Dragons pleases fans at Dog Story Theater
Submitted 07-25-2018 under OPINION
Live Dungeons & Dragon campaign combines imagination, acting, and humor for an engaging evening.
City Commissioners fill vacant Third Ward seat
Submitted 07-25-2018 under NEWS
With the appointment of Nathaniel Moody to vacant Third Ward seat the Grand Rapids City Commissioners on Tuesday night filled the seat a week ahead of the planned time.
Exciting summer at your Community Media Center
Submitted 07-24-2018 under PLACE-MATTERS
2018 has been an exciting year at Grand Rapids Community Media Center. Find out what we've been up to and get a look ahead at what's to come.
GRandJazzFest seeks volunteers
Submitted 07-24-2018 under NONPROFITS
The festival is August 18-19, 2018. Three-hour shifts are available to assist in presenting this event to the community. All volunteers will receive a t-shirt, bottled water and the opportunity to help put on this free public event in the community.
Local artist feature from UICA: Dave Battjes
Submitted 07-24-2018 under NONPROFITS
Dave Battjes is a husband, dad, creative letterer, nature enthusiast and avid high fiver. Battjes’ creative practice, a never ending study of letters, has him creating large-scale murals and gorgeously crafted messages of positivity.
Free Educator Day at Grand Rapids Public Museum, John Ball Zoo
Submitted 07-24-2018 under NONPROFITS
Teachers and educators can enjoy a free day to explore the GRPM and the John Ball Zoo while learning about education programs available to their classrooms. All educators receive free admission and free parking from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at both institutions.