Local Leukemia and Lymphoma Society begins recruitment for the next West Michigan Man, Woman of the Year
Submitted 07-23-2018 under NEWS
Candidate recruitment is actively underway at the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of West Michigan. This will be the fifth year for the 10-week Man and Woman of the Year (MWOY) campaign in Grand Rapids. Yearly, all across the country, dedicated candidates engage in this exciting competition.
Ethics and Religion Talk: Returning a stolen mug
Submitted 07-23-2018 under OPINION
Kay writes: I work at a facility that serves seniors. A client left a fancy insulated travel coffee mug by accident. The client was upset that he lost it and asked if we had found it. I had seen it on the lost and found shelf, but when I went to get it, it was not there.
Catalyst Radio: What's trending on The Rapidian Recap show
Submitted 07-20-2018 under NEWS
Rapidian Managing Editor Kiran Sood Patel and Community Engagement Specialist Elizabeth Rogers Drouillard discuss recent article highlights that can be found at TheRapidian.org.
City, health officials show up to talk Westside cancer concerns to sparse resident attendance
Submitted 07-20-2018 under NEWS
Alicynne Glazier, the public health epidemiologist newly hired by the Kent County Health Department, still gave her presentation to both groups, explaining the process and guidelines the KCHD follows for addressing concerns at the July 19, 2018 meeting at Servants Community Church.
In Season: July 20, 2018
Submitted 07-20-2018 under NONPROFITS
The much needed rain has passed + it's a wonderfully refreshing morning at the Market! Come see what's in season (it's PEAK season!) + start off your Friday supporting your hardworking, Michigan entrepreneurs, farmers, and artisans!
Join the Community Media Center for an Open House this Saturday
Submitted 07-18-2018 under NEWS
Grand Rapids Community Media Center will host an Open House on July 21 to give community members a chance to dive into our storytelling platforms. There will also be a free showing of Coco beginning at 2:30 p.m.
'Pick for Pantries' returns for blueberry season
Submitted 07-17-2018 under NONPROFITS
Donation program gets fresh-picked produce to those in need, supporting local farms and food pantries.
Negotiations for white space: Quest to enact robust human rights ordinance in Grand Rapids
Submitted 07-17-2018 under PLACE-MATTERS
To gain true equality in Grand Rapids a new municipal vision of belonging must be imagined. A belonging that allows black and brown bodies to speak into the formation and reconfiguration of policies that actually protect them from illegal discrimination.
'Art belongs to everyone': Interview with local artist Debra Dieppa
Submitted 07-16-2018 under NONPROFITS
An exhibition of Debra Dieppa’s recent work is now on display in the West Lobby at the Wealthy Street Theatre. Dieppa will be showcasing her art in the West Lobby during the Comunity Media Center's Open House this Saturday, July 21, 2018 and will be available to answer questions about her work.
Ethics and Religion Talk: Psychological counseling vs. spiritual counseling
Submitted 07-16-2018 under OPINION
A reader asks, A past column addressed the question of clergy engaging in psychological counseling, and the panel was in agreement that clergy may offer spiritual or pastoral counseling, but should not offer psychological therapy unless they are specifically trained and licensed.