Apply for UICA's ArtWorks Program

Submitted 01-08-2010 under NONPROFITS

Join the Spring ArtWorks youth program and experience an eight-week series that includes films, hands-on activities, and workshops run by contemporary artists and local businesses. ArtWorks is a free program, for ages 14–19, that introduces young...

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GRIID Winter Classes

Submitted 01-08-2010 under LOCAL LIFE

For the last several years, the Grand Rapids Institute for Information and Democracy (GRIID)  has been putting on classes to help spread awareness of important current issues.  Starting in late January they will be offering two classes...

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College Scholarship Applications Now Available

Submitted 01-07-2010 under NONPROFITS

Each year, Grand Rapids Community Foundation awards more than $550,000 in scholarships to students who are college bound or pursuing a technical career.  2010 marks the 65th year the Community Foundation has offered this assistance students....

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Historic Civil War encampment located right beneath our feet

Submitted 01-04-2010 under LOCAL LIFE

As you walk by the many shops and buildings in Heritage Hill that we have grown fond off, buildings like Martha’s Vineyard or Central High School, do you ever wonder what existed here before? I have a passion for history and one of my...

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Grand Rapids Central High School JROTC

Submitted 12-28-2009 under LOCAL LIFE

Grand Rapids Central High School is the city’s oldest public high school. It has seen such graduates as Astronaut Roger B. Chaffee and Former First Lady Betty Ford. It is also home to the city’s oldest JROTC program. There has been concern from...

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Why Purchase Locally

Submitted 12-22-2009 under NONPROFITS

by: Sisters Mary Lucille Janowiak OP and Barbara Hansen OP Where did the food on your Thanksgiving table come from? Did you have free range turkey from a local farm? Were the potatoes, green beans, wine and cranberries grown and produced in your...

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Adoption Reflection Group for Birthmothers

Submitted 12-16-2009 under NONPROFITS

D.A. Blodgett for Children is hosting an Adoption Reflection Group for Birthmothers. We know that relinquishing a child for adoption has a lifelong impact on mothers and we believe that no woman should have to travel this road alone. We invite any...

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GRPS: The Effect of Poverty on Educational Attainment

Submitted 12-13-2009 under NEWS

Student and family poverty negatively effects educational proficiency and children ability to learn. Written by: Joshua Fik, Daina Salayon, Kenny Spicer, Bob Hutek; Frederik Meijer Honors College; Grand Valley State University. In the midst of...

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Stopping the drop: Student retention in GR schools

Submitted 12-10-2009 under NEWS

By Mia Cheema, Robbie Sullivan, Michael Wilson and Dan Michniewicz, Frederick Meijer Honors College, Grand Valley State University John F. Kennedy once said, "Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education. The human mind...

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Winter bicycling tips: Bike year round and be safe!

Submitted 12-03-2009 under NEWS

More and more Grand Rapidians are choosing to give up the automobile for the bicycle. They are learning that if you are equipped correctly, you can ride your bicycle year round. Drivers expect less bicyclists in colder months, so it is up to the...

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