The Rapidian Home


Don't mean a thing if it ain't got...

Submitted 08-14-2013 under OPINION

As a local event producer, I'd like to respond to the potential exit of swing dancing downtown.


Fashion designer creates clothes for expressive people of all kinds

Submitted 08-13-2013 under OPINION

Ashley Triệu, designer of Iconoclasp, creates colorful ready-to-wear clothing for creative tastes in her small apartment home.


It's canning season!

Submitted 08-09-2013 under OPINION

The Local Feed on WYCE provides tips for canning locally grown produce.


Harmony Brewing Company introduces local lunch menu

Submitted 08-06-2013 under OPINION

Beer for lunch? Harmony Brewing Company suggests just that, with a new lunch menu and a new lower alcohol beer.


Thai around Grand Rapids in two minutes

Submitted 08-05-2013 under OPINION

I do a lightning round review of 13 Thai restaurants in less than two minutes.


John Butler Trio fans jump onstage during memorable concert

Submitted 08-05-2013 under OPINION

At least five members of the audience jumped onstage during the encore of John Butler Trio performance at Frederik Meijer Gardens. Highlights from the show included classic jam "Ocean" and an end of the world dance party.


Exploring Wealthy Street Station

Submitted 07-31-2013 under OPINION

A group of Rapidian interns enjoyed a station burger at Wealthy Street Station.


Grandwich 2013 gets sampled: Sandwiches 21-30

Submitted 07-26-2013 under OPINION

I sampled 30 different sandwiches in a little over 3 days, evaluating every last sandwich competing in the 2013 Grandwich competition.


Thank your placemakers

Submitted 07-26-2013 under OPINION

This place matters, and The Rapidian has a way for you to thank those who are making our neighborhoods and community great.


Grandwich 2013 gets sampled: Sandwiches 11-20

Submitted 07-25-2013 under OPINION

I evaluate 10 more Grandwiches in my quest to try every single one in the first week to help voters.

