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Concerts Under the Stars returns to Grand Rapids Public Museum's Chaffee Planetarium

Submitted 12-12-2017 under NONPROFITS

Live concerts begin on January 18, 2018 and will be held through April, 2018, with five concerts total. Visitors can sit back and experience the wonder of the cosmos and the wonder of music to five different performances featuring pop, jazz, folk and rock sounds.


Ethics and Religion Talk: Is sex in virtual reality cheating? Part 1

Submitted 12-11-2017 under OPINION

John asks, Does virtual reality sex constitute cheating? A recent New York Times article, Virtual Reality Gets Naughty, discusses this issue in detail.


ATU members approve new contract

Submitted 12-08-2017 under NEWS

Amalgamated Transit Union Local 836 which represents most of The Rapid's bus drivers and mechanics voted in favor of a new contract to settle a long dispute with The Rapid.


ATU members approve new contract

Submitted 12-08-2017 under NEWS

Amalgamated Transit Union Local 836 which represents most of The Rapid's bus drivers and mechanics voted in favor of a new contract to settle a long dispute with The Rapid.


ATU members approve new contract

Submitted 12-08-2017 under NEWS

Amalgamated Transit Union Local 836 which represents most of The Rapid's bus drivers and mechanics voted in favor of a new contract to settle a long dispute with The Rapid.


ATU members approve new contract

Submitted 12-08-2017 under NEWS

Amalgamated Transit Union Local 836 which represents most of The Rapid's bus drivers and mechanics voted in favor of a new contract to settle a long dispute with The Rapid.


ATU members approve new contract

Submitted 12-08-2017 under NEWS

Amalgamated Transit Union Local 836 which represents most of The Rapid's bus drivers and mechanics voted in favor of a new contract to settle a long dispute with The Rapid.


ATU members approve new contract

Submitted 12-08-2017 under NEWS

Amalgamated Transit Union Local 836 which represents most of The Rapid's bus drivers and mechanics voted in favor of a new contract to settle a long dispute with The Rapid.


In Season: December 9, 2017

Submitted 12-08-2017 under NONPROFITS

A list of locally grown fruits and vegetables along with locally produced products available at your local farmers markets.


Catalyst Radio: Host Jessica Gladden talks mental health education with Be Nice

Submitted 12-08-2017 under NONPROFITS

Host Jessica Gladden speaks with Kristy Buck from the Mental Health Foundation of West Michigan about Be Nice.

