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616 Lofts fosters community in downtown Grand Rapids

Submitted 01-25-2013 under INNOVATION-SPOTLIGHT

Derek Coppess and 616 Lofts are on a mission to create a tight knit residential community in downtown Grand Rapids


Catalyst Radio: Michigan Blood critical in supplying blood for 36 area hospitals

Submitted 01-25-2013 under NEWS

Michigan Blood, headquartered in Grand Rapids, collects and keeps blood donations local.


Mygrcitypoints teams up with Heart of West Michigan United Way

Submitted 01-24-2013 under NEWS

mygrcitypoints and Volunteer Center GR team up with volunteer incentives


Metta: The practice of lovingkindness

Submitted 01-18-2013 under NONPROFITS

Dominican Center at Marywood (DCM) is pleased to offer you a monthly program on Metta, by Janice Lynne Lundy. Lundy is an Interfaith Spiritual Director and a long-term student/teacher of mindfulness and Metta.


January Tuesday Tabletalk - Rites of Passage

Submitted 01-11-2013 under NONPROFITS

DCM explores Rites of Passage from the perspective of four faith traditions on Tuesday, January 15 from 6 – 8 p.m. A warm meal is provided to participants at round tables comprised of persons from varying faith traditions.


Mayor answers citizen concerns on monthly "City Connection"

Submitted 01-07-2013 under NEWS

Got a question for Mayor Heartwell? Ask it tonight! Every month, local citizens have an opportunity to interact with Grand Rapid's most prominent elected official.


Herschell Turner Fine Art - Pastels and Mixed Media

Submitted 01-02-2013 under NONPROFITS

Artist Herschell Turner, former NBA and Harlem Globetrotter will exhibit his fine art at Dominican Center at Marywood from December 31 - February 27. Come meet the artist at a reception on February 10th from Noon through 4 pm at DCM.


Commission to consider proposed tax assessment for neighborhood park

Submitted 12-17-2012 under NEWS

A proposed tax assessment for a park in the South Hill neighborhood will be considered and open for public comment at the Grand Rapids City Commission meeting on Tuesday, December 18, at 7 p.m.


Men's Spirituality Initiative at Dominican Center

Submitted 12-15-2012 under NONPROFITS

Dominican Center at Marywood offers a variety of opportunities for men to gather together to deepen their spirituality, understand their role in life, family and community.


Wayne Squires warns against potential dangers of holiday charity

Submitted 12-14-2012 under NEWS

The holidays are often a time to give to charity, but Wayne Squires believes that this form of giving doesn't really help anyone.

