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Local First challenges community to eat local

Submitted 10-01-2013 under NEWS

Local First, Grand Rapids area business advocate is challenging individuals to eat and spend local.


Public input needed for survey of Grand Rapids life

Submitted 10-01-2013 under NEWS

Pubic input is being sought by VoiceGR, an iniatiative through the Johnson Center for Philanthropy. Residents are encouraged to take the survey.


ArtPrize 2013: Dustin Rogers' symbols of [mis]communication

Submitted 09-29-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

"Jessica can Type and Steven can Honk" captures the ever-present possibility for miscommunication.


ArtPrize 2013: Jim Wilde brings an inspired landscape to ArtPrize

Submitted 09-28-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

Wilde joins the conversation with a 3-tiered tabletop fountain, complete with waterfall and a motor that turns the art.


Green building alive, thriving in West Michigan

Submitted 09-27-2013 under NONPROFITS

When it comes to green building, West Michigan takes a back seat to no one.


Faith and Belief Beyond Modernity

Submitted 09-27-2013 under NONPROFITS

No theology without culture; but there can be a culture without theology--a situation where many find themselves today: in a theological desert.


Children gone via judicial signatures

Submitted 09-26-2013 under OPINION

Families are losing children without good cause.


Heritage Hill Neighborhood Association holds WHAM event

Submitted 09-26-2013 under NEWS

A brief story about Heritage Hill's 2nd Annual WHAM event.


Story Matters: Aaron Bannasch sees growth in Grand Rapids

Submitted 09-24-2013 under NONPROFITS

Aaron Bannasch has seen Grand Rapids transform from a big town to a small city over the seven years he's lived here. Where does he think we'll be in 10 years?


Where we're headed: What Bus Rapid Transit could mean for our city

Submitted 09-24-2013 under PLACE-MATTERS

Bill Kirk, former public outreach coordinator for The Rapid and newly-appointed transportation demand manager for Downtown Grand Rapids Inc., sees great benefits already starting from transportation development efforts in our city.

