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In studio: Friends of Grand Rapids Parks

Submitted 06-25-2010 under NONPROFITS

In a recent 10-day campaign, Friends successfully raised $175,000 to finance three public pools' operations over the summer. One of Friends' upcoming project is working with middle schoolers to do a t


Making the most of weekly story pitches

Submitted 06-22-2010 under OPINION


In studio: Habitat for Humanity Kent County

Submitted 06-18-2010 under NONPROFITS

Christopher shares Habitat for Humanity's plans to build 13 net-zero houses on Wealthy Street. "Net zero" means the houses will produce as much energy as they use in the form of natural ventilation, s


In studio - Matthew Altena, amateur boxing reporter

Submitted 06-11-2010 under NONPROFITS

Matt covers the amateur boxing beat in Grand Rapids with regular blow-by-blow descriptions and profiles from the boxing community.


In studio: GVSU Ghana Nsu - Clean Water Initiative

Submitted 06-04-2010 under NONPROFITS

In two weeks, Uma will be traveling to Ghana with 30 water filters manufactured by local company Cascade Engineering to install in a village that's downstream from at least one chemical plant. Tune in


Tobacco Free Partners joins the world of Social Media

Submitted 06-02-2010 under NONPROFITS


In studio: D. A. Blodgett - St. John's

Submitted 05-28-2010 under NONPROFITS

This week, Catalyst Radio speaks with Sharon Loughridge, executive director of D.A. Blodgett - St. John's.


What to look out for before publishing

Submitted 05-25-2010 under OPINION


In studio: Lisa Rose Starner

Submitted 05-21-2010 under NONPROFITS

This week, Catalyst Radio speaks with Lisa Rose Starner, author of The Local Beet on The Rapidian.


Find story ideas by getting involved

Submitted 05-18-2010 under OPINION

