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Grand Rapid's Heartside-Downtown

Italian restaurant pushes to spring grand opening

Submitted 01-28-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

Osteria Rossa's owner Chef Chris Perkey discusses rustic Italian fare, farm-to-table systems and accommodating dietary restrictions.


Running away from fear: the internal struggle

Submitted 01-27-2014 under VOICES

Transforming one's body from couch potato to athlete is no easy feat. Especially when negative self-talk and emotional demons get in the way.


Crack fry contestants devour 90 pounds of fries in two minutes

Submitted 01-27-2014 under NEWS

Downtown bar HopCat celebrated six years in business with a french fry eating contest and $500 prize going to Kyle Hanner in record time.


Homeless shelter extends hours in winter freeze

Submitted 01-24-2014 under NEWS

Mel Trotter Ministries' Day Center will remain open for all while the temperature is in the single digits.


Community responds to lack of diversity in recent GRPD hiring

Submitted 01-24-2014 under NONPROFITS

A letter from LINC Community Revitalization and endorsed by other leaders to the City of GR on the recent list of 2014 Grand Rapids Police Department appointees, which show a lack of diversity.


New Direction for Heartside Gallery

Submitted 01-24-2014 under NONPROFITS

Heartside Gallery and Studio is extending to even more programming through two new employees. Exciting changes to come!


WMEAC Film Series draws concern over hydraulic fracturing in West Michigan

Submitted 01-24-2014 under NEWS

Community members gathered at the UICA to learn more about the effects of hydraulic fracturing in West Michigan.


The LINC Academy for Social Transformation--Two Years of Leadership, Community & More.

Submitted 01-23-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

The LINC Academy for Social Transformation, a several day training that trains local leaders to advocate in and for their communities, just turned two years old.


What's On Tap: January 23-29

Submitted 01-23-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

It's a great week to visit your local breweries to taste and learn about new brews. But then again, isn't it always?


Chuck D visits Grand Rapids, speaks out on education, individual responsibility

Submitted 01-21-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

While visiting both GRCC and GVSU this weekend surrounding the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, he sat down with The Rapidian about Dr. King, ArtPrize, the cost of education and the N-word.

