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Submitted 07-22-2013 under NONPROFITS

This article is one in a series discussing bullying issues through artwork and words, through the eyes of a student.


Thoughts of Suicide

Submitted 07-17-2013 under NONPROFITS

This article is one in a series discussing bullying issues through artwork and words, through the eyes of a student.


Young painter shares unique approach to painting, thoughts on art

Submitted 07-17-2013 under NEWS

Jeff Kraus shares a bit about himself, his process and his ideas on art after his first series "Conditions" closes at Gaspard.


A Short Life

Submitted 07-16-2013 under NONPROFITS

This article is one in a series discussing bullying issues through artwork and words, through the eyes of a student.


Community collaboration key in creating GoSite

Submitted 07-16-2013 under PLACE-MATTERS

From a stakeholder coalition to a community survey, many voices are needed to build a 21st century information sharing space in the heart of Grand Rapids.


Local creative inspires children to become published writers

Submitted 07-12-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

Lori Slager, executive director and co-founder of the Grand Rapids Creative Youth Center, teaches kids to write using the creative side of the written word and unique publishing goals.


Local artist builds community through 3D art

Submitted 07-11-2013 under NEWS

Mark Rumsey, creator of site-specific installations and East Hills Council of Neighbors staff member, engages the community both in his art and his job.


Student dislikes the bullying at their school

Submitted 07-11-2013 under NONPROFITS

This article is one in a series discussing bullying issues through artwork and words, through the eyes of a student.


The Avenue for the Arts works to bring in even more vendors with upcoming market

Submitted 07-11-2013 under NEWS

The Avenue for the Arts will be holding its second downtown art market of the summer on July 13.


Grand Rapids Art Museum Free Admissions Tuesdays draws increased visitors

Submitted 07-11-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

Free admission to the GRAM is allowing Grand Rapids art lovers to head downtown, see art and not worry about breaking any budgets.

