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Planting trees, growing community

Submitted 09-03-2013 under PLACE-MATTERS

The simple act of planting a tree can have multiple benefits for community building, and also leads to a healthier, more sustainable urban forest.


Join the conversation on urban food innovation

Submitted 08-27-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

Lisa Rose Starner, author of "Grand Rapids Food: A Culinary Revolution" will be leading a community conversation on urban food innovation this Thursday at the downtown branch of the Grand Rapids Public Library


When building places it's the people who count

Submitted 08-27-2013 under PLACE-MATTERS

Grand Rapids architect Mark Miller shares his recent experience in Traverse City. He talks tactical urbanism, waterfront activation and access and Friday night festivities.


Second graders raise funds for disadvantaged women

Submitted 08-26-2013 under NEWS

Bridget Knight, Ben Ruehrdanz and Charlene Walsh have created Bare Necessities, a program that empowers kids to raise money for the disadvantaged women helping at their school.


Your story matters

Submitted 08-20-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

Before the Anchorman movie in the park in Ah Nab Awen, The Rapidian will be hosting a storytelling booth and potluck/picnic and handing out "This Place Matters" flags. Tell your story and share the love.


The Spoke Folks seeks nominations for Board of Directors

Submitted 08-20-2013 under NEWS

As The Spoke Folks files their 501c3, they are looking for active members of the community who understand their mission


Place matters if cities are for people

Submitted 08-20-2013 under PLACE-MATTERS

Building healthy, functional, productive cities is challenging, but there are tools to do it. One such tool is the Grand Rapids master plan.


Don't mean a thing if it ain't got...

Submitted 08-14-2013 under OPINION

As a local event producer, I'd like to respond to the potential exit of swing dancing downtown.


Tiny Terrariums: Out of the Bottle workshop offered at UICA

Submitted 08-13-2013 under NEWS

UICA's Quirkshop Series focuses this week on hanging gardens called Kokedama. Workshops are August 14 and 15.


Tree Huggers celebrates three years with new initiative

Submitted 08-13-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

This week Tree Huggers grocer on Wealthy Street celebrates 3 years with the launch of a new consultation service.

