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Institute for Global Education to celebrate Mandela Day with festivities

Submitted 07-15-2014 under NEWS

In honor of Nelson Mandela's legacy of peace, reconciliation and diversity, the IGE will be hosting two days of festivities at the Wealthy Street office.


Republican congressional nominees, ballot initiatives up for vote in August

Submitted 07-15-2014 under NEWS

The primaries on August 5 will decide who will be on the ballot for the November election. Justin Amash and Brian Ellis are fighting for the Grand Rapids congressional seat.


Relief is underway for Grand Rapids roads, but there are some mixed feelings

Submitted 07-11-2014 under NEWS

Grand Rapids roads are under construction, Josh Leffingwell explains how the State can fund local projects better.


Johnson Center to host storytelling workshop with professional writing coach

Submitted 07-11-2014 under NEWS

On July 13 from 1 to 4 p.m., Dayla Massachi will engage with local nonprofits and educate on the best ways to communicate their stories to their donors and the public.


Local campaign seeks to ban use of wild animals in entertainment

Submitted 07-08-2014 under NEWS

Jon Dunn and Kolene Allen are petitioning Grand Rapids and Walker city governments to disallow use of wild animals in circuses and traveling shows.


Summer picturesque kicks off with photo walk through city parks

Submitted 07-08-2014 under NEWS

Join The Rapidian, Friends of Grand Rapids Parks and this season's photographer Steven DePolo as they tour some of Grand Rapids best city parks to inaugurate the summer Picturesque photo contest.


Movies in the Park to screen Dreamgirls

Submitted 07-08-2014 under NEWS

Dreamgirls sets the sixties theme movie for the night at Ah-Nab-Awen Park along with The Rapidian Story Matters team, who will be on site to capture individual stories.


Mitten Brewing Company hopes to hit home run with new expansion efforts

Submitted 07-08-2014 under NEWS

Mitten Brewing Company is hustling to keep up with capacity by expanding their operation nearly three fold.


Catalyst Radio: Tom Clinton working for broader meaning of access at CMC, greater community impact

Submitted 07-04-2014 under NEWS

Tom Clinton began at Community Media Center on May 12 as the organization’s new executive director. Clinton brings experience from the legal field and the arts community.


Greater Grand Rapids Bicycle Coalition's prepares for city certification

Submitted 07-01-2014 under NEWS

Executive Director Tom Tilma talks about creating longevity for the Greater Grand Rapids Bicycle Coalition, and how they are helping to create a cyclist friendly community.

