Story Matters: Tom Clinton sees opportunity at SiTE:LAB, ArtPrize

Submitted 09-21-2013 under NONPROFITS

Tom Clinton talks about the way SiTE:LAB works with artists and the experiences he's had at the event.


Concealed Wetlands: Rendering The Invisible

Submitted 09-20-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

An art review of Taylor Bishops work "Concealed Wetlands: Rendering The Invisible" in which we explore the importance of wetlands and the meaning behind his infrared photography.


ArtPrize Gem on North Monroe

Submitted 09-20-2013 under NONPROFITS

ArtPrize Gem on North Monroe


ELK Brewing aims for December opening

Submitted 09-20-2013 under NEWS

The Wealthy Street brewery is nearing the completion of their construction, and they say the community can help.


Impart: Brooklyn artist Mark Reigelman argues art should trigger sensory experience

Submitted 09-20-2013 under NEWS

As part of the Impart Series, Mark Reigelman answers a few important questions about art. His installation piece is an ArtPrize entry at Kendall College of Art and Design.


Impart: Artist Gil Lelazhe Jariq asserts "art heals"

Submitted 09-20-2013 under NEWS

Local abstract painter Gil Lelazhe Jariq answers a few important questions about art.


Catalyst Radio: Wolf PAC starting with local efforts to get money out of politics

Submitted 09-20-2013 under NEWS

A movement to minimize how money influences politics is taking root locally, as part of the national Wolf PAC effort for a constitutional change.


Grand Rapids, it's time to send the circus packing

Submitted 09-20-2013 under OPINION

Elephants, lions and tigers are calling the Van Andel Arena parking lot home this week. But circuses are wrong, and it's time for the City of Grand Rapids and its leaders to look at model ordinances, and enact a ban on this horrific practice.


In Season: September 21, 2013

Submitted 09-20-2013 under NONPROFITS

Don't forget to stop by Fulton Street and stock the fridge before heading down to Artprize this weekend!


The Humane Society of West Michigan's 1st priority: Keep pets with their families

Submitted 09-19-2013 under OPINION

The Humane Society offers help to families with pets in need.

