Story Matters: Paul DeBartolo remembers Herpolsheimers, wants to live downtown
Submitted 09-16-2013 under NONPROFITS
Paul DeBartolo has seen downtown Grand Rapids have rough days since his memories of riding the train at Herpolsheimers, and wants to say thanks to those who have worked to revive it.
Story Matters: Amber has fond memories of fireworks downtown
Submitted 09-16-2013 under NONPROFITS
Amber remembers many 4th of July memories and other special days downtown.
Harvest Party at Well House
Submitted 09-16-2013 under LOCAL LIFE
Well House is hosting a block party to celebrate the fall harvest.
Grand Rapids leaders launch Yes! GR Parks campaign
Submitted 09-16-2013 under NEWS
Community leaders have introduced a proposal of a new property tax to increase funds for city parks that will appear on the ballot November 5.
Head of ambitious public art projects in New York City joins grand juror team for ArtPrize 2013
Submitted 09-16-2013 under NONPROFITS
This interview with Anne Pasternak, ArtPrize 2013 Grand Prize Juror, is one of a series of three interviews helping ArtPrize visitors get to know the perspective of this year's jurors.
How to Look at Art, Part 1
Submitted 09-16-2013 under OPINION
This is the first in a four part series on how to look at art, using the DRIO process: Description, Relationships, Interpretation and Opinion. I discuss the "description" step in today's article.
Impart: Local artist Consuelo Poland used art to speak
Submitted 09-16-2013 under LOCAL LIFE
Consuelo Poland answers a few important questions about art. Her functional art piece is available for viewing at Women's City Club during ArtPrize.
Impart: Abstract painter Thomas Hammer argues art is defined by art world authorities
Submitted 09-16-2013 under LOCAL LIFE
NYC artist Thomas Hammer explores chaos and control in his artwork and in his answers to our questions.
Founders Brewing Co. reveals expanded taproom
Submitted 09-16-2013 under NEWS
Founders completes another phase of its $26 million expansion. This Monday, they unveil a larger taproom, kitchen, front porch, beer garden and company store.
Little Prairie in the Big City
Submitted 09-13-2013 under NONPROFITS
Join us in connecting sacred teaching on the care of creation with the sustainability movement. We are working to establish a portion of the Marywood campus into a prairie habitat.