Story Matters: Jessica Blair compares life at Degage to her home in Heritage Hill

Submitted 07-14-2014 under NONPROFITS

Jessica Blair, a GRCC culinary student, was homeless for the first months in our city. She describes life in her first neighborhood on Division Avenue and life now, in an apartment in Heritage Hill.


Serenity Boutique showcases distinctive summer trends

Submitted 07-14-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

Entering their second year at the MoDiv, Serenity Boutique continues to offer a large selection of accessories.


Catalyst Radio: The University Wits highlights local works, with "In A Single Bound" beginning Thurs.

Submitted 07-14-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

The University Wits is a group of former Grand Valley State University theatre students who primarily focus on original works.


Grandwich 2014 sampled: pretzel-bun-with-pork theme emerges in day four

Submitted 07-13-2014 under OPINION

The final tasting session ends with several messy sandwiches, with a few solid selections but overall a bit disappointing compared to Thursday’s fare.


Grandwich 2014 sampled: day three brings quality, high marks, few disappointments

Submitted 07-12-2014 under OPINION

The third day of tasting all of the Grandwiches in one week had us discovering a high favorite, and a favorite day of options overall.


Relief is underway for Grand Rapids roads, but there are some mixed feelings

Submitted 07-11-2014 under NEWS

Grand Rapids roads are under construction, Josh Leffingwell explains how the State can fund local projects better.


In Season July 12

Submitted 07-11-2014 under NONPROFITS

A list of locally grown fruits and vegetables along with locally produce products available at your local farmers markets.


Johnson Center to host storytelling workshop with professional writing coach

Submitted 07-11-2014 under NEWS

On July 13 from 1 to 4 p.m., Dayla Massachi will engage with local nonprofits and educate on the best ways to communicate their stories to their donors and the public.


Story Matters: Grand Rapids community leaders remember Peter Wege

Submitted 07-10-2014 under NONPROFITS

We recall the stories of Peter Wege: his impact, his approach, his expansive generosity and ability to bring us together in the ways he lived his life and shared his gifts.


Summer Yoga Offerings at Dominican Center

Submitted 07-10-2014 under NONPROFITS

To accomodate your level of physical mobility, DCM offers three levels of yoga through the year at Dominican Center: Chair Yoga, Yoga Basics and Yoga Beyond Basics.

