
Five Rivers: A Memoir Workshop with Anne-Marie Oomen

by (Write616)

Submitted 10-13-2016 under

FIVE RIVERS:  ANNE-MARIE’S MEMOIR WRITING CLASS (ALSO VERY USEFUL FOR POETS! ​Learn to use the Five Rivers of Life -- the five senses -- to tell your life stories: those intense memories, that narrative of love or war or birth or death...

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Improvisational Writing Workshop with Andy Mozina

by (Write616)

Submitted 10-13-2016 under

Improvisational Writing: A Workshop with Andy MolinaSunday, November 20, 2016; 3:00 - 5:00 pmWhere do story ideas come from? What makes a good idea for a story? Are there processes and games for generating ideas and story scenarios? Playing off...

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Writers Under 30 series opens the floor up to young local artists

by (carly.schweppe)

Submitted 09-22-2016 under NEWS

In partnership with Great Lakes Commonwealth of Letters (GLCL) and Bombadil Books, the Writers Under 30 series celebrates the work of writers under 30 years of age by hosting public readings, workshops and other literary events featuring young...

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The Story at Hand: Fiction Workshop with John Smolens

by (Write616)

Submitted 09-08-2016 under

Join a fiction workshop led by John Smolens, where we will "examine the craft and techniques employed in fiction, our working habits, and our tastes in literature."  Limited to 12 participants, the fee is $50 ($40 for members).  ...

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Narrative Map Workshop: Writing about Place in the Midwest

by (Write616)

Submitted 09-08-2016 under

Sunday, Oct 2, 3-5pm; limited to 12; $50Place is undoubtedly one of the most powerful elements in both fiction and nonfiction. John Counts, editor of the Great Lake Review’s Narrative Map project, leads a workshop about place...

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Writers Under 30: Imagination Station

by (Write616)

Submitted 09-08-2016 under

The Writers Under Thirty Collective, in collaboration with Great Lakes Commonwealth of Letters  and Bombadil Books, is pleased to share our first Writers Under Thirty Workshop:  Imagination Station. The Imagination Station session offers a...

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Talk Early Talk Often: A free parent workshop

by (PPMI)

Submitted 03-21-2016 under

On Thursday, April 14, 2016 from 5:30-7:30, Fountain St. Church will be hosting the nationally recognized Talk Early & Talk Often® parent workshop!  The two-hour workshop includes dinner and is free to attend. The workshop ...

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by (Write616)

Submitted 03-02-2016 under

How many poems to submit at one time?   Cover letter or no cover letter?  Do I simultaneously submit or not?  Where do I find places to send my poems?  Kathleen McGookey will run the workshop "Wanna Get Published?" on...

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by (Write616)

Submitted 03-02-2016 under

Writers and comedians have a lot in common. We say what others only think. Elizabeth Kerlikowske leads a writing workshop, Skewed Toward Humor, on Sunday, April 3, from 3 - 5 pm which will dissect humor in a non-boring way, and yes, it is a little...

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CLA Estate Planning Workshop

by (CLA Estate Services)

Submitted 02-26-2016 under

A FREE workshop providing valuable information for seniors on securing one's estate and retirement planning. You will receive a workbook and gain useful information you can act upon immediately regarding: - Pros and cons of wills and trusts -...

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