michigan nonprofit association

2020 census enters home stretch with Grand Rapids' turnout goal still to be reached

by (Brett)

Submitted 08-20-2020 under LOCAL LIFE

Just under six weeks remain to get counted in the 2020 census, after the U.S. Census Bureau shortened the deadline this month to September 30. That’s a month earlier than planned, as the deadline was originally October 31. Census officials...

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United Way awards mini-grants to 19 local agencies for Census outreach

by (Heart of West M...)

Submitted 07-10-2019 under NONPROFITS

On Tuesday, July 9, Heart of West Michigan United Way announced mini-grants to 19 Kent County agencies to support Census outreach in historically undercounted communities. The mini-grants range from $5,000 to $20,000 for a total of $216,500. Because...

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United Way responds to removal of citizenship question from Census

by (Heart of West M...)

Submitted 07-03-2019 under NONPROFITS

Last night, the Trump administration announced that it would begin printing 2020 Census forms without the controversial “citizenship question.” Advocates around the country and some states had challenged the decision to include the...

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Second graders raise funds for disadvantaged women

by (Waltonm)

Submitted 08-26-2013 under NEWS

The media center at Godfrey-Lee Early Childhood Center rang with hammer blows. Teams of second graders and kindergarteners were hard at work building birdhouses while volunteering women from Dégagé Ministries guided them. The birdhouses were...

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