community engagement

Community Updates: Friday, February 17

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 02-17-2023 under NEWS

Grand Rapidians Encouraged to Participate in Community Master Plan Process by Attending Upcoming "Launch Party" Events Next week, the City of Grand Rapids will be holding three public "launch party" events in each of the City's three wards. These...

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Community updates: Friday, Oct. 1

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 10-01-2021 under NEWS

Kent County Health Department offering COVID-19 vaccine boosters The Kent County Health Department (KCHD) is now offering booster shots of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to eligible people, it announced this week. Effective since Tuesday, the boosters...

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Passing the Mic: Neighbors of Belknap Lookout answers, "How are you making sure you're engaging with the full diversity of your neighborhood?"

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 01-07-2021 under VOICES

Shelby Garbini, Board Member of King Park Neighbors, asks Grand Rapids' neighborhood associations: "I’m curious how other neighborhood associations are really making sure that they are interacting and engaging with a diverse group of...

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Passing the Mic: King Park Neighbors answers, "How are you maintaining a sense of connection and community during this pandemic?"

by (The Rapidian)

Submitted 11-05-2020 under VOICES

Sam Mosley, Board Member at Highland Park Neighborhood Association, asks Grand Rapids' neighborhood associations: "I would ask of other neighborhood associations how they’re maintaining a sense of connection and community – and...

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Re-imagining Community Engagement in Heartside/Downtown

by (DwellingPlace)

Submitted 10-06-2020 under NONPROFITS

“The key to success for neighbors having a high quality of life is getting people to connect,” exclaims county commissioner, Jim Talen. Talen was speaking to his involvement in the community and complexities in the Heartside neighborhood...

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Despite Highly Engaged Community, Heartside Residents Fear Displacement

by (DwellingPlace)

Submitted 11-22-2019 under NONPROFITS

“It's growing in a positive direction, people are listening to resident suggestions”,  a resident of the Heartside neighborhood responded when asked to describe the strengths of their neighborhood as part of the Hearside...

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GR Initiative for Leaders expands partnership with local high schools, colleges

by (GR Initiative f...)

Submitted 01-22-2015 under NONPROFITS

GR Initiative for Leaders (GRIL) announced their program expansion and continued partnership with local public schools and area ministries to provide leadership development opportunities for high school students. This year begins a three year...

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Job well done: LINC celebrates emerging leadership

by (LINC UP)

Submitted 03-26-2014 under NONPROFITS

“So what is the impact? How do you measure it?” “How do you know you’re making a difference?” If you are a concerned citizen, a funder, a peer—really, anyone with an interest in community revitalization—...

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Holiday Volunteer Events!

by (Heart of West M...)

Submitted 12-02-2011 under NONPROFITS

There's nothing quite like volunteering to get you into the holiday spirit. And there's nothing like the holidays to bring you lots of fun ways to volunteer! Click here to read about all of them! There's something for everyone: For the...

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