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WALK A MILE IN THEIR SHOES - Bethany Christian Services Hosts Walk to Support Refugee Resettlement Programs




In honor of World Refugee Day, Bethany Christian Services is hosting a fundraising walk beginning at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 23, to raise support for its Refugee Services program.  The walk will be a time to join together to raise awareness, share cultural traditions, and celebrate the accomplishments of refugees in the Grand Rapids community.


The United Nations has named June 20th World Refugee Day to recognize the strength and determination of the more than 15.5 million men, women, and children who were forced to flee their homes under threat of persecution or violence. Bethany, with the support of neighbors, friends, and volunteers, helps nearly 600 refugees each year to become self-sufficient residents of West Michigan.


The walk will begin and end at Ah-Nab-Awen Park in downtown Grand Rapids and will be followed by food, entertainment, and family-friendly activities.  There is no registration fee, but each participant is asked to raise at least $100.  Registration may be done in teams (up to 10 people) or individually. 


For more information, or to register for this charitable event, please visit or

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