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Grand Rapid's South West Neighborhood

Ethics and Religion Talk: What if Good is Not Good Enough?

Submitted 01-07-2019 under OPINION

This question was submitted at a recent panel on ‘End of Life’ in which I participated: Suppose I do not live a life “good enough” to attain the equivalent to heaven, then where do I go?


Great Decisions Series attempts to raise community's Global IQ

Submitted 12-21-2018 under NONPROFITS

The World Affairs Council of Western Michigan presents the annual "Great Decisions" eight-week series on global issues, international relations and foreign policy.


Grandville Avenue Arts and Humanities hosts successful fall programs

Submitted 11-20-2018 under NONPROFITS

As part of the fall session, students at the Cook Library Center were given an opportunity to participate in a Project Fair. They wrote songs, made short films and took initiative as leaders.


Grand Rapids brothers create local social app to strengthen community

Submitted 11-02-2018 under LOCAL LIFE

The founders of Grand Rapids social app Yote share details on projects including artificial intelligence pairing, an opening cafe lounge, and more.


'Wild Sweet Love' to usher in Sofranko-Era at Grand Rapids Ballet

Submitted 10-16-2018 under LOCAL LIFE

Grand Rapids Ballet’s season opening program, the first under new artistic director James Sofranko, has audience-pleaser written all over it.


A look at four countries of the Arabian Peninsula begins October 18

Submitted 10-15-2018 under NONPROFITS

The World Affairs Council of Western Michigan features a four-part series on Middle Eastern countries Oman (10/18); Qatar (10/24); Saudi Arabia (11/13); and Yemen (11/20).


Puertas de enlace para el lanzamiento del proyecto de crecimiento: Celebración Comunitaria

Submitted 10-03-2018 under NEWS

La ciudad de Grand Rapids llevo acabo este evento para resaltar el impacto económico de los inmigrantes que radican en Grand Rapids. La aportación económica de los inmigrantes es de 3.3 Billones de dólares en 2016..


Gateways for Growth celebration recognizes contributions of immigrants to West Michigan

Submitted 10-03-2018 under NEWS

The Gateways for Growth celebration recognized the contributions of immigrants and refugees to West Michigan.


WYCE 88.1 FM - Radio by the people, for the people, and making it work

Submitted 10-02-2018 under PLACE-MATTERS

Your listener-sponsored radio station is featuring extra special programming the week of October 12 - 19, 2018.


Meet your elected officials hosted by Young Leaders Against Violence

Submitted 08-27-2018 under NONPROFITS

YLAV invites you to Meet Your Elected Official on September 10 to learn about sexual and domestic violence and listen to State Representatives discuss their stance on sexual and domestic violence.

