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Stuff the Bus




Angela Peavey, 616-787-7565 (cell: 616/780-6383), [email protected]

Ania Waszkiewicz, 616-787-7565 (cell: 616/560-4053), [email protected]


 “Stuff the Bus” campaign to provide school suppliesto 3,500 Kent County students

WHO:         Call to West Michigan residents to help ‘’Stuff the Bus’’ an annual collection of back-to-school items for less fortunate West Michigan school children.

The campaign is sponsored by Amway, Dean Transportation, Fifth Third Bank, Meijer, Superior Business Solutions, Townsquare Media, Hand 2 Hand Ministries and Student Advancement Foundation.

WHAT:       Area residents are encouraged to drop new, unwrapped folders, No. 2 pencils, pens, notebooks, erasers and rulers in ‘’Stuff the Bus’’ bins located in 37 Fifth Third Bank branches throughout the Kent County. Monetary donations will be also accepted.

WHEN:       July 30 - August 10, 2012

WHERE:     The campaign’s official kick-off is at Fifth Third Ball Park on August 1, 2012. The drive ends August 10 with a special event and raffle at Fifth Third Bank, 530 Baldwin Dr., Jenison, Michigan. 

WHY:          August is when students and parents begin to think about the start of another school year. While many parents will be shopping for school supplies, thousands of struggling parents and their school-age children in West Michigan will face the prospects of starting a school year without even the most basic classroom necessities. To be ready to learn, they need proper supplies.

Even a small donation to the “Stuff the Bus” campaign can make a big difference in the life of a child going starting a school year or a teacher who has to make up for the shortage of school supplies by purchasing them with his or her own money.

Thanks for the generosity of the Fifth Third Bank supplying the backpacks, Amway providing personal care items, Dean Transportation lending transportation and all area residents who will donate the school-supplies between July 30 and August 10. Together we can reach the goal of helping 3500 middle school students in the Grand Rapids, Hudsonville, Jenison, Wyoming Park, Godfrey Lee and East Kentwood public schools.

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