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Storybank Pitches

Our Storybank provides a place where the community can pitch stories to our reporters, and reporters can find story ideas. Since all of our reporters are volunteers, your pitches are not guaranteed to be picked up for a story on The Rapidian. But we'll do what we can!

To pitch a story to our citizen journalists, scroll down the page and fill in the information requested in the short form. You must be signed in with your user account to pitch a story.

Headline Pitch Posted Votes Area Section
The Establishment grand opening Nov 17th

Replacing Monte's on Bridge St., The Establishment is having its Grand Opening Thursday, November 17th.


Self-described on...

13 years ago 0 NW
Penny Stamps Lecture Series Nov 18

Penny Stamps Lecture Series: Mx. Justin Vivian Bond

At the UICA


13 years ago 0
Benefit show for Matt Russell November 20


More Info

All Ages, $7 Suggested Donation


13 years ago 2 Citywide
"The Project" Fundraising Night Nov 16

Uccellos in Standale is hosting The Project, a GVSU group who's motto is "Renewing Michigan, one student at a time" below is information about The Project as a whole, and at the...

13 years ago 0 NW
12th Annual Bubble Bash fundraiser for WYCE

WYCE, with the Gilmore collection, present the 12th Annual Bubble Bash.


13 years ago 0
Community Literacy Initiative seeks neighborhood insight


Neighborhood leaders will have a discussion around improving literacy for all ages in the Hope Zones.  
13 years ago 0 Citywide
Uptown Holiday Shop Hop

Uptown Holiday Shop Hop features Uptown area shops on Decewmber 1st from 4-10pm. Locations include East Fulton, East Hills, Eastown, & Wealthy Street. This event...

13 years ago 0 NE
The Cornerstone Story: Anti-LGBT Policies at a local college

On Wednesday, November 16th from 2-4pm, a local group called TEAM (Tolerance, Equality, and Awareness Movement) will hold at event...

13 years ago 0 SW
22nd Annual Very Special Art Auction to offer guests an interactive art and music experience


For Immediate Release

November 4, 2011


Contact: Michele Suchovsky, 616-885-5866 or

13 years ago 0 SE
What good can one person do? Here's an answer...


You often hear people ask, “What good can one person do?” Here is someone providing an answer.

Stephanie Schlatter has much to be thankful for in life, among them...

13 years ago 0

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