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Public voting continues through Saturday after ArtPrize jurors reveal their favorites

Submitted 09-24-2013 under NEWS

Each of the jurors for the category awards revealed their top five picks, and explained their process and selection at the Jurors Shortlist Event Monday night.


Rowster gets makeover

Submitted 09-24-2013 under NEWS

Rowster New American Coffee has a new look. The unveiling took place on Saturday with an open house.


Celebrated panelists to discuss role of art in urban landscapes

Submitted 09-23-2013 under NEWS

Experts Eva Franch I Gilabert and Reed Kroloff come together to discuss art's role in revitalizing cities.


ELK Brewing aims for December opening

Submitted 09-20-2013 under NEWS

The Wealthy Street brewery is nearing the completion of their construction, and they say the community can help.


Impart: Brooklyn artist Mark Reigelman argues art should trigger sensory experience

Submitted 09-20-2013 under NEWS

As part of the Impart Series, Mark Reigelman answers a few important questions about art. His installation piece is an ArtPrize entry at Kendall College of Art and Design.


Impart: Artist Gil Lelazhe Jariq asserts "art heals"

Submitted 09-20-2013 under NEWS

Local abstract painter Gil Lelazhe Jariq answers a few important questions about art.


Catalyst Radio: Wolf PAC starting with local efforts to get money out of politics

Submitted 09-20-2013 under NEWS

A movement to minimize how money influences politics is taking root locally, as part of the national Wolf PAC effort for a constitutional change.


Impart: Christina Mrozik believes art is a form of communication

Submitted 09-18-2013 under NEWS

Local illustrator Christina Mrozik makes connections between art, communication and different ways of processing information.


Poetry and sculpture collaboration installed for ArtPrize

Submitted 09-18-2013 under NEWS

Artist Sara Weimer has collaborated with GVSU professor Patricia Clark's poetry class and artist Sarah Koupal for ArtPrize.


Student-made films to be part of Mosaic Film Experience

Submitted 09-17-2013 under NEWS

The Wealthy Theatre premiered films made by students at the CMC Education film camps this past summer. These films will be a part of the Mosaic Film Experience this November.

