This article is part of a series called “Impart” which asks local and national artists questions about art to preface ArtPrize and begin the conversation.
Read other artists' answers:
Impart seeks to preface ArtPrize by asking artists essential questions about art.
Christina Mrozik is a local artist who draws most of her inspiration from the natural world. She is interested in projecting human emotions and experiences on the subjects of her work. She makes these portraits using ink, marker, watercolor and acrylic. Follow her on her Facebook.
Mrozik is available to do freelance work and often takes on personal commissions.
What is art?
"I would argue that to answer the question 'what is art' is the same as answering the question 'what is communication?' I would define communication as the interchange of ideas, thoughts and opinions. In order to communicate efficiently, we need to acknowledge different types of learning. It is commonly understood that people learn through auditory, kinesthetic and visual means, and while everyone learns through a combination of the three, most people tend to have a clear preference. While art is often portrayed through visual means, there is also a plethora of examples of art being auditory, written and performed."
What is the purpose of art?
"I think it is the artists' ability to share what they've learned and experienced. Through sharing, art creates a speaking and listening cycle. It presents information to the viewer, and the viewer then receives and processes that information: agreeing, connecting, embodying, debating or refusing, yet engaging with that work. If you can impact someone's perception, you congruently will affect their actions. The viewer's response may spark a new idea and a discussion is born. The art informs the person, and the person in turn informs the art. I think that this type of communication is the key to good relationships, where we better understand the needs or expectations of the community, and that understanding creates value."
Is art important? Why is art important?
"Art is only important if communication is important. I believe that when examining a situation or problem, it is useful to examine any situation from multiple perspectives, including but not limited to a logical, emotional, verbal, non-verbal, scientific, religious, locational, gendered and linguistic viewpoint. Being able to view a situation through multiple lenses creates more facets for understanding, and art is a means of viewing. Art has the power to create spaces that tap into multiple perspectives. For instance, it can create a space of intimacy, where someone can be met in their deepest place that is outside of words. It also has the power to create spaces for discussion, where politics, social injustice or cultural diversity can be approached in another form that transcends language. Or further, it can create spaces for connection where people can take on a symbol from an image and use it as their personal mascot. Art creates a cycle of sharing and receiving information and makes ideas accessible to every kind of learner."
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