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Comedy team to give live commentary on B movie screening at Wealthy Theatre

Submitted 03-11-2014 under NEWS

WST3K, a live improv overdub similar to Mystery Science Theater 3000, will showcase area comedians mocking the film "Black Fist" on March 13 as part of LaughFest.


Catalyst Radio: CMC project is Elevating Voices in neighborhoods through access to modern media

Submitted 03-07-2014 under NEWS

A 3-year W.K. Kellogg Foundation grant is funding a Community Media Center project to bring media tools and training to Grand Rapids neighborhoods.


Citizens question where city snow piles are stored

Submitted 03-06-2014 under NEWS

Officials answer residents' questions on city snow disposal sites and runoff contamination containment.


Midtown Neighborhood Association to host workshop on "book house" building

Submitted 03-04-2014 under NEWS

Midtown will host a quintessential placemaking project based on the little free library model.


MDOT staff, public meeting to discuss future of US-131 and I-96

Submitted 03-04-2014 under NEWS

On Thursday, March 6, The Michigan Department of Transportation is hosting a public meeting to discuss the future of key highways in Kent County over the next 20 years.


Wealthy Street Station staying put, looking to expand

Submitted 03-04-2014 under NEWS

Wealthy Street Station is by no means closing its doors. Just the opposite: new proprietor Joe Welniak has big ideas for the popular East Hills burger joint.


LaFontsee Gallery to exhibit new artwork "Out of the Polar Vortex"

Submitted 03-04-2014 under NEWS

LaFonstee Galleries on Lake Drive in Grand Rapids will showcase a new collection of artwork with artist reception on Friday.


Large snowpack leads to concern over heightened spring flood levels

Submitted 03-03-2014 under NEWS

Scientists and city officials speak about the large amount of snow and pervasive cold temperatures and their effect on Grand River water levels come spring.


Catalyst Radio: Our Kitchen Table teaching gardening for food security

Submitted 02-28-2014 under NEWS

Beginning on March 8, Our Kitchen Table is holding classes focusing on gardening, food policy and food justice.


Public discussion provokes examination of social issues in Grand Rapids

Submitted 02-28-2014 under NEWS

The Office for Public Culture held a discussion last Friday night focused on Henri Lefebvre's concept of "Right to the City" and attempted to collectively imagine ways of implementing the concept in Grand Rapids.

