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LaFontsee Gallery to exhibit new artwork "Out of the Polar Vortex"

LaFonstee Galleries on Lake Drive in Grand Rapids will showcase a new collection of artwork with artist reception on Friday.

/Courtesy of LaFontsee Gallery

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LaFonstee Galleries

833 Lake Drive SE


LaFontsee Galleries presents a new exhibition titled "Out of the Polar Vortex" on March 7 from 5-8 p.m. at the East Hills location.

Over 30 artists, both current and some new to LaFontsee, will be featured in the gallery. New artists include Tony Roko, Toni Swarthout and Tyler Hildebrand.

The show's theme centers around art that has been created over the winter months.

LaFontsee Galleries is an award winning art gallery that has been in West Michigan for 25 years. They deal in fine local, national and international art and have two locations, Grand Rapids and Douglas, Michigan. The East Hills location opened in 2011.

The reception is free and open to the public. No registration required.

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